The art of living together at the tobacco press Le Victor Hugo – Le Petit Journal

The art of living together at the tobacco press Le Victor Hugo – Le Petit Journal
The art of living together at the tobacco press Le Victor Hugo – Le Petit Journal

Claude De Sousa: a merchant happy to promote Le Petit Journal. Credits: DE

It’s almost a birthday. Four years ago, on Wednesday July 1, 2020, Claude and Annie De Sousa opened Le Victor Hugo… at 17 avenue Victor-Hugo, in Rodez, as it should be.Adjoining the Mutualité sociale agricole, this newsagent, located opposite the public garden and the Soulages museum, plays on proximity to the delight of a loyal clientele. For this couple from Laissaguais who worked in a completely different sector, this type of commercial activity proved to be a successful experience on a social and human level. Since then, Claude and Annie have continued to encourage exchanges with a public sensitive to their dedication. A public who knows that they will find at Victor Hugo not only what they need, but also all the warmth of a business full of life. If Annie, herself an avid reader, has ensured that the book display includes works by local authors, Claude, for his part, evokes a wide range of artisanal products, which reflect an irrepressible need to live together through preservation and highlighting the Aveyron identity. In addition to the usual newspapers and magazines, quality wines rub shoulders with honey from an Aveyron beekeeper, tasty biscuits, organic mare’s milk soap, chocolates and beautiful artistic postcards, various wooden objects made by a young cabinetmaker from Flavinois . Without forgetting games of chance which still have their fans among the Ruthenians. Finally, we would like to thank this couple of traders who know how to highlight the work of press correspondents so well. And all the more so since last week, the icon Françoise Hardy not only made the front page of Paris Match, and even the special issue of Télérama, she was also on the front page of Le Petit Journal. We were then very proud to see Claude and Annie once again promoting our title. All our gratitude!

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