Journalist files complaint against director Angélica Liddel for “public insults” during opening night

Journalist files complaint against director Angélica Liddel for “public insults” during opening night
Journalist files complaint against director Angélica Liddel for “public insults” during opening night

A journalist filed a complaint on Sunday against director Angélica Liddell for “public insults” during the opening piece of the Avignon festival on Saturday evening, while the artist expressed on Sunday “his hatred of criticism” theatre. Stéphane Capron, head of the live entertainment section at France Inter, also founder of the cultural information site Sceneweb, filed a complaint for “public insults”he told AFP, which was able to consult the minutes of the complaint.

Saturday evening, in the main courtyard of the Palais des Papes, the Spanish director, known for her radicalism and her disturbing shows, spent several minutes of her show, “Demon”to specifically criticize several French press critics, repeating out loud excerpts from articles written on previous plays, had noted an AFP journalist present. She spoke in Spanish, the translation being projected on the back wall.

“A litany of insults”

In the complaint, Stéphane Capron accuses the director of having cited extracts from his old articles (published on Sceneweb around ten years ago, Editor’s note), of having asked if he was present in the audience , then having uttered “a litany of insults” in front of some 2000 spectators. Arguing that other mocked colleagues had not been insulted, he asked “that the insults be removed from the show until the end of the Avignon festival”.

Contacted, festival director Tiago Rodrigues told AFP that “the remarks made on stage as part of an artistic project cannot be considered as a position of the festival”. He recalled that the latter “defends freedom of creation, freedom of expression and freedom of the press” et “need not interfere with the integrity of the works presented”Before filing the complaint, the director explained at a press conference on Sunday morning her “hatred of criticism”that she “sharing” with the filmmaker Ingmar Bergman, the source of his inspiration for “Demon”.

The director of France Inter provides support to the journalist

“My work is a slap in the face to critics and I would also like to be able to physically give this slap to all these people who, with impunity and in a banal way, have hurt me”she declared, according to the French translation of her remarks. “I can’t do this physically. I would even like to throw a punch like Bergman did but that wouldn’t be possible because people would file complaints against me and I would find myself in directors’ prison.she added.

On the social network “unworthy” these insults. “The artist is free to create, the journalist is free to criticize”she said, specifying: “There are a thousand ways to do this, bypassing the insult with the power of imagination, without giving in to the ease of a frontal attack.”.



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