The premiere of Aga Cieutat at the Régent

The premiere of Aga Cieutat at the Régent
The premiere of Aga Cieutat at the Régent

Passionate about cinema, Saint-Gaudinois Aga Cieutat (pseudonym of Hugo Cieutat), 25, is already on his first directorial. However, the filmmaker was able to present at the cinema the Regent of Saint-Gaudens, his latest work, “Le Vent du Lendemain”.

“We have been in contact with Hugo Cieutat for a long time,” explains Thomas Miquel, from Le Régent. “And we are really happy to welcome him here this evening. Firstly because he is from Saint-Gaudens. And above all because he is a boy who has a fever for cinema and filmmaking. We are passionate too. I saw the film, there is really something great in its emotional message. We reserved our most beautiful room for it. On such a screen, the projection was superb. It was followed by an exchange between the director, his team, some actors and the public.

The filmmaker does not hide his emotion: “I am really happy to present my film here, in my stronghold, in a cinema where as a child, I came so often with my father. This is where I learned to love cinema “It’s fantastic that the Regent agrees to promote experimental cinema.”

The film surprised and, listening to the opinions of spectators after the screening, it was disturbing. Not that the images are anything but beautiful, but the story was intriguing. Inspired by the dreamlike cinema of David Lynch, Aga Cieutat has created a remarkable work. “You should not try to understand, just feel…”. Aga continues, “This is the very first scenario that I imagined. We first had to make other films, a year to raise the funds then a year and a half of filming and six months of editing. I involved a lot of friends.”

Support and projects

As for Christophe Jourde, director of Isard Film Production, he exclaims: “Aga Cieutat knows how to bring everyone into his world. He loves what he does so much that we follow him. He is atypical, sometimes high-minded. But he has the shoulders of a real conductor. Hugo will be a great director. Isard Film Production trusts him, which is why he is in charge of the production (still in progress) of “La Comtesse aux cinq maris”, a biopic of Pétronille de Bigorre (a 13th century character) and several clips. Aga is also involved in the filming of Gloria Victis”.

“Cinema is what I want to do. I opened the door, I’m not ready to close it” assures Aga Cieutat.



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