David Duchovny says he played an important role in the star’s career

David Duchovny says he played an important role in the star’s career
David Duchovny says he played an important role in the star’s career

Actor David Duchovny, who starred alongside then-young actress Angelina Jolie in the 1997 thriller “The Damned,” believes he played an important role in the star’s career.

A talent scout. Guest on the talk show “Andy Cohen Live”, David Duchovny, star of the flagship series of the 1990s “X Files”, made a surprising confession. Questioned about his various on-screen partners, from Meg Ryan to Eddie Murphy, Demi Moore, Sigourney Weaver and Angelina Jolie, the 63-year-old actor explained about the interpreter of “Maleficent” that he had, in a certain way, participated in the star’s career.

The actor knew right away that she was “a movie star”

“I have the impression of having discovered Angelina Jolie,” said David Duchovny, specifying that he participated in the casting of the film “The Damned”, in which he shares the poster with the actress, aged at time of around twenty years.

Moderating his remarks, however, he says: “I was part of the casting, I didn’t discover her, but you know, she arrived, and I knew she was a movie star,” explains- he, before adding: “I told everyone “we have to choose her””.

Angelina Jolie, Oscar winner in 2000, landed the role of this thriller, featuring a surgeon (David Duchovny) – banned from practicing after the death of a patient – who is hired by a drug dealer to become his doctor rescue.

However, this is not Jolie’s first leading role. Two years earlier, in 1995, she was chosen to star in Ian Softley’s film “Hackers” with Johnny Lee Miller.



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