The horoscope for Sunday June 16, 2024

The horoscope for Sunday June 16, 2024
The horoscope for Sunday June 16, 2024

You can find more horoscopes and get a live consultation at 3210. You can also find advice from Christine Haas every day on Instagram to make the most of the day’s situation.


Today it’s your own moods that you have to worry about, they will be a little aggressive, especially if you think that no one is paying attention to you. You will find that we are being unfair to you, you will have the impression that you give a lot and that you do not receive what you give. Be wary, these may be impressions that are false, or that you have already felt often, especially when you were a child or teenager.


If you are from April, or Taurus ascendant, I remind you that Mars is conjunct your Sun and that you are a little too reactive and quickly angry. An anger that you will not express, which is very characteristic of Taurus, who has the reputation of hating conflicts and keeping the negative things he feels to himself. But you are hurting yourself by doing this, it is better to express immediately what annoys you, otherwise in the long run you risk somatizing, having pain here or there.


As good a day as yesterday! There won’t be anything more positive than you, you will shine and others will be attracted to you, they will feed off your optimism. Those at the end of the sign will perhaps be in the fog, their joy will be a facade to hide a kind of exhaustion in the face of the enormous mental load they may have, probably because of family problems which seem endless. Courage ! Neptune (planet which represents this situation) is leaving next March.


If you don’t want conflict, you are advised to be a little less whole. You have character, and that should stay on the back burner today. As are the ups and downs of your mood, which are your trademark. This may be associated with the fact that Cancer, just like Aries, Libra and Capricorn are signs of changing seasons and this has a strong influence on your moods. Often, the season in which we were born determines the fabric of our personality.


You will have trouble keeping still today, you will need to exert yourself physically, otherwise you risk annoying everyone around you. The Moon will end its course in Libra at the end of the day, forming a good aspect with Mercury. If you feel that one of your loved ones is angry with you or is not comfortable with you, open the dialogue: you explaining, getting out of the unsaid will be the best way to avoid creating resentment.


Like yesterday, you should prioritize well-being and your personal needs. Treat yourself to small gourmet or intellectual pleasures, you will forget the hassles. You often have them during the Gemini period and especially when Jupiter is in this sign. The 1st decan receives its influxes until July 10 and it would not be surprising if you experience injustice, or if you have problems with the administration, tax or otherwise. To be resolved quickly so you can move on.


Still at home, the Moon accentuates your need to love and be loved. If you are not affectionately surrounded, you will resent life, others… But in reality, this hides a more important problem and which is at the origin of the first: you don’t love yourself at the moment! However, heaven is with you, but there are many of you, especially in the 2nd decan, who look at each other with severity and scrutinize the marks of passing time.


Venus and Neptune are in exact dissonance today and if you were born after November 16, you are very hesitant right now when faced with a choice. It could be romantic or financial, and since you don’t see very clearly, it’s better that you don’t make any decisions for the moment. Wait for the planets to move into Cancer from tomorrow for Venus and Mercury and from the 20th for the Sun: you will enter a much cooler period than the Gemini period.


The situation is very contradictory since the dissonances of Neptune are still active for the 3rd decan, avoid making a decision these days. However, there is another possible interpretation, which I did not mention yesterday: it may be that the “troubles” in question are not yours but those of your spouse or a loved one, and that they have repercussions on you because you have important ties with this loved one, even on a material level.


Even today, you will have obligations, family or work, but you will not be at all unhappy to be able to concentrate on something. When you have nothing to do, you are like a lost soul, unless you are one of those who like reading or visiting museums and exhibitions. But not all of you are near museums, and if you’re far from a city, you can’t do everything that members of your sign generally like: you’re frustrated!


Born in January, you will still think today about a decision to make or a choice that you must make, but normally this will be resolved before June 22. This works on you a lot internally and it is even possible that you will be angry and find it difficult to relax. 3rd decan, you will not get rid of Uranus before July 2025, by then you will certainly have the opportunity to free yourself from a repetitive pattern. We still need to open our eyes to this diagram…


Born in February, a family matter still worries you, you have responsibilities, but one of your loved ones helps you make the necessary decisions. This is someone who is easy to act, who knows how to take charge and who you could draw inspiration from! Often, Pisces is indecisive, he doesn’t want to offend anyone, he hates conflicts, but there are times when he has to decide. And this is the case until June 22.

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