Macron’s political message during the Music Festival at the Élysée

Macron’s political message during the Music Festival at the Élysée
Macron’s political message during the Music Festival at the Élysée

The President of the Republic spoke this Friday, June 21 at the Élysée on the occasion of the Music Festival evening. Festivities impacted by current events.

Politics before music. This Friday, June 21, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron discussed the post-dissolution news of the National Assembly, on the occasion of the Music Festival at the Élysée.

The head of state spoke on stage, in front of the public, saying in particular that “there are extremes that we cannot let pass.” A comment addressed to the National Rally and the New Popular Front, with a view to the first round of the legislative elections, on June 30.

“We should not be very afraid” despite the “thunderclap” of Sunday June 9, said Emmanuel Macron, recalling that “nearly 50% of our compatriots voted for the extremes, more than 30% for the National Rally and 40% for the far right. A reference to the scores of the European election results.

“We must not be afraid for next June 30, we must go and vote, we must convince, vote responsibly since in a democracy it is the citizens who choose,” he added.

“There is no anti-Semitism that can be justified”

The President of the Republic sent another topical message to the gathered crowd. He called for an end to “hate speech” and denounced anti-Semitism, in reference to the rape of a 12-year-old girl in Courbevoie.

“We don’t want any communitarianism! No separatism! No hate speech! And there is no racism that justifies anti-Semitism! And there is no anti-Semitism that can be justified by anything!” launched the head of state, according to our reporter on site.

Léopold Audebert with Tom Kerkour

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