the event dedicated to beauty and well-being returns to Carreau Du Temple

the event dedicated to beauty and well-being returns to Carreau Du Temple
the event dedicated to beauty and well-being returns to Carreau Du Temple

After a first edition bringing together more than 5,000 people last September, The New Well, the event, open to professionals and the general public and dedicated to the exploration of the latest innovations and trends in beauty, well-being, sport or even technology, returns to Carreau Du Temple in Paris.

Poster The New Well – DR

From June 8 to 10, around a hundred skincare and makeup brands such as Eclo, Mimétique, Pers and Fôme will showcase their products. Spaces will be dedicated to workshops and conferences with themes around mental health, naturopathy and K Beauty. For this session, two new features: the treatment area and the tutorial area which will allow visitors to discover the latest advances in care, beauty-tech and personalized treatments.

“Special zones will offer an immersive experience with virtual relaxation environments, treatments and Beauty Tech,” indicate the organizers. In addition, sports and yoga classes will also be offered during the day.

Finally, The New Well also offers a meeting space for professionals in the beauty sector. Note that Monday will begin with a masterclass on the future of the industry.

At the origin of The New Well is Tiffany Buathier, who in the past has worked in the world of children with her site Petit Hood, and who in full confinement launched the Instagram account The Good Live which presented an agenda live shows offered by brands and influencers, particularly in the fields of sport, beauty and well-being.

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