Luz-Saint-Sauveur. A magazine that lives up to expectations

Luz-Saint-Sauveur. A magazine that lives up to expectations
Luz-Saint-Sauveur. A magazine that lives up to expectations

A biannual magazine, therefore appearing twice a year, the June issue of “En Baredyo” has come out and there is enough to spend a few good evenings “studying” it. It is not a novel in fact because it relates the life of the Toy Country of yesteryear certainly, but also of the present and will perhaps invite you to discover it. It was highly anticipated and those who already have it in their hands are not disappointed because it is once again very good, not to say better and better, very thick too with more than 70 pages, illustrated. You will find the current story of the life of a young shepherd, a world very different from social networks, but also more comical of a car stopped by the police in Barèges for one of the very first speeding tickets no doubt, the presentation of associations and their work like Pourtère or twinning… For those who are not subscribers, the magazine is on sale at François (in the past, the Castagné hardware store). We will now wait for the December issue but it is a big job and it would be useful for its continuity because the ad hoc captain like his lieutenant and the sailors are not getting any younger, that a few younger ones are interested in it.



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