Brawl in the BPM Sports studios: Gilbert Delorme and Max Lalonde involved

A fight broke out in the BPM Sports studios involving Max Lalonde and Gilbert Delorme.


The incident this morning between PCO, Max and Gilbert.

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A real wrestling scene worthy of WWE, leaving listeners and Internet users in agitated emotion. This spectacular incident, which took place during the show Le Club du Matin, involved the famous professional wrestler Pierre Carl Ouellet (PCO), as well as Gilbert Delorme and the host Max Lalonde.

Rumor of a big fight in the studios quickly spread, fueled by eye-catching headlines on all the sports blogs, including Hockey30.

Sports radio has pulled off a marketing masterstroke, demonstrating a keen understanding of how to get people talking.

After the interview with PCO, a fight allegedly broke out between him, Delorme and Lalonde, initially shocking the listeners…only to realize that everything was arranged with the views guy.

When the crew returned to the air, it became clear that this altercation was part of a carefully orchestrated set-up.

The hosts discussed the incident as if it were a real fight, but it was clear that the whole thing was staged.

This spectacular theater shows how effectively BPM Sports adapts to the realities of the modern market, where sensationalism can pay big dividends, both in dollars and popularity.

This stroke of marketing genius allowed the station to be talked about well beyond its usual listeners. By using elements of surprise and entertainment borrowed from the world of professional wrestling, BPM Sports captured the public’s attention and generated significant media coverage.

Congratulations are in order for this successful adaptation to current content consumption trends. Perhaps Pierre-Karl Péladeau should take notes on this innovative approach to boost TVA Sports instead of constantly asking the government for subsidies.

In any case, BPM Sports has proven that it knows how to “create buzz” and capture attention in the merciless world of sports media.

We take our hats off to them!



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