Four artists for an exhibition at La Grange de Bihorel, near Rouen

Four artists for an exhibition at La Grange de Bihorel, near Rouen
Four artists for an exhibition at La Grange de Bihorel, near Rouen


Normandy Editorial

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 11:02 a.m.

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From June 13 to 19, 2024, La Grange de la Petite Madeleine, in Bihorel, near Rouen (Seine-Maritime) will open its doors for an exhibition entitled Nothing in Common. It is the four artists, who nevertheless know each other very well, who chose this title: “The four of us are really different,” they confide.

The fantastic curiosity of Jérémy Lebouteiller

First, there is the Rouennais Jérémy Lebouteiller, aka EMY, who has been “tinkering since the age of 10. I started Fine Arts without finishing the course, because I wanted to do my thing my own way. I adapt my sculptures and paintings with my fantastic culture. I cultivate my dreams and I draw inspiration from them,” explains the artist, who, as a child, was always intrigued by animal bones.

“Today, I use them in the spirit of a cabinet of curiosities. Moreover, in lounges, under an arbor, visitors enter another dimension with lights, sounds and smells,” he continues.

Deep in the eyes…

The painter Mlle, her real name Armelle Devraigne, is an animal lover. Moreover, the public is not mistaken, because each of his works is a huge success, thanks in particular to diving into the eyes of mammals, birds and even fish.

“I always wanted to study Fine Arts, but for my parents, I studied law. It was at the age of 32, during parental leave, that I started painting again. Even when I returned to work, it never left me and took up more and more space in my life. From that moment on, I became really attached to portraits and the looks of animals. Always with lots of colors,” confides Mlle.

Some of his creations have also gone as far as Africa or Reunion. “I also have a permanent exhibition at the La Taverne brasserie, in Bonsecours, and my Facebook account has more than 20,000 Followers,” adds the artist.

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A four-handed job

And then there will be the Dâb Dâb, this duo so well known during exhibitions. Annie and Daniel Boulenger started almost thirty years ago. “At the time, self-taught, I started with painting and then moved on to Raku sculpture,” Annie introduces herself.

As for Daniel, he “shapes Murano glass and then I string beads. But, as it is difficult to get exhibition organizers to accept, who take this for costume jewelry resellers, we have set up our own exhibitions. We are currently taking care of that of Saint-Aubin-Épinay, we are giving a helping hand to the Maromme salon and we have taken over the presidency of the Orangery of the Jardin des Plantes, in Rouen, under the name of Garden of painters,” specify the two artists.

During the last Seeds of Garden festival, they received 40,000 visitors. “Now we are looking for young artists who want to shake up everything to make themselves known.”

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