Here are the foods you should absolutely NOT put in your coffee if you don’t want to gain weight

Here are the foods you should absolutely NOT put in your coffee if you don’t want to gain weight
Here are the foods you should absolutely NOT put in your coffee if you don’t want to gain weight

After water, coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world with nearly 2.5 billion cups drunk each day. Some drink it when they wake up for its energizing effect, others after each meal to aid digestion. And many people even use it to burn fat. But if you really want to lose weight, you should not definitely not mix your little black with these four foods. This would have the opposite effect. We explain why.

Coffee to burn fat

A team of researchers from Harvard University in the United States took the time to study the effects of coffee consumption on weight loss. In a study published on September 30, 2023 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutritionthey found that drinking one cup of unsweetened coffee per day was associated with a reduction in weight gain of 0.12 kg per month.

Scientists have explained that consuming this hot drink, with little or no calories, allows you toincrease the feeling of satietywhich reduces the number of calories consumed during the day. In addition, several studies have shown that coffee helps speed up metabolism and therefore facilitate fat burning. Be careful, however, coffee can help you lose weight, but only if you do not mix it with these four foods.

Don’t mix your coffee with creamers

Diluting your coffee when it is too strong is a habit that is deeply rooted in the French. Unfortunately, and without you realizing it, this could promote weight gain. In particular, if you mix your beverage with whipped cream. This food is strongly discouraged by dietitians because it is full of what we call empty calories. That is to say a food which nourishes very little, but provides a lot of fat and sugar.

Trista Best, dietitian, interviewed by Shefinds also warns against other kinds of creams (fresh, thick, etc.). In fact, their high sugar content causes blood sugar spikes. These changes in blood sugar levels often lead to snacking and therefore weight gain. In addition, dairy products, rich in saturated fats, are the enemies of the figure. So you should drink your coffee without cream.

Avoid artificial sugars

Dietitian Trista Best then explains that if you want to benefit from the benefits of coffee while losing weight, you absolutely must not add any flavored syrups. They are generally composed of glucose and fructose which also cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Excess fructose also causes greater liver fatigue, which disrupts the immune system and leads to insulin resistance. So many harmful factors for keeping in shape.

What if you thought about replacing flavored syrups with sweetenersthis is, again, a bad idea. Aspartame will indeed disrupt the functioning of the intestines and the balance of the microbiota. In the long term, this will prevent the absorption capacities of nutrients and will therefore promote weight gain, accompanied by bloating and gas, which will prevent you from having a flat stomach.



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