Mental health: “a Great National Cause more necessary than ever”

Mental health: “a Great National Cause more necessary than ever”
Mental health: “a Great National Cause more necessary than ever”

The Great National Cause Mental Health Collective, representing more than 3,000 organizations, a few days before the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, is calling on legislative candidates on the need to elevate mental health to the rank of Great Cause 2025. open letter can be read below.

Since the health crisis, the deterioration of the mental health of the population, and in particular that of young people, has harshly imposed collective awareness. Even though mental health has taken on major societal importance and this subject has been presented as a political priority by the current head of government in his general policy speech, the dissolution of the National Assembly threatens to reduce collective efforts already undertaken to promote mental health and prevent and destigmatize psychological disorders.

In 2024, mental health still remains largely stigmatized through psychiatric disorders and is not the subject of political measures commensurate with the urgency of the situation. Remember that each year, 13 million people in France suffer from a disorder and that in 2023, 40% of young people aged 18 to 24 will present depressive symptoms. Faced with this alarming situation, the subject still remains largely taboo, prevention,
information and promotion of mental health are not integrated into public policies, access to care and appropriate support for people affected by disorders and for their loved ones is an obstacle course.

Faced with the urgent need to act, nearly 30,000 citizens, including many parliamentarians from all sides, signed in a few weeks the petition to make mental health a major national cause in 2025. We have formed an apolitical and citizen collective, supported by more than 100 civil society organizations (companies, user and family associations, healthcare establishments, scientific networks, etc.) and representing 3,000 structures operating in the field of mental health in the broad sense. Together, in this particularly troubled period, we are maintaining the course of this unprecedented mobilization and calling on all political decision-makers driven by humanist values ​​to make mental health a priority.

Finally, we would like to recall the values ​​that unite our collective: the dignity of people affected by mental disorders, regardless of their origins, the defense of their capacity to act, the fraternity which alone can allow them to access full citizenship. and whole. We want to fight against ignorance, stigma, fear and denial to convey a message of hope: solutions exist, society is today ready to change its outlook on mental health and psychological disorders, scientific progress and research are advancing rapidly and practices are changing.

This is why we, the Mental Health Collective 2025, are calling for an unprecedented mobilization to inform about mental health, implement a real prevention policy and destigmatize psychological suffering as a
psychiatric disorders. The mental health of all must be a major national cause at the heart of public policies.

Collectif Santé mentale Grande Cause nationale 2025
S. Broutin, DG de la Fondation Falret ; A. Caria, directrice de Psycom ; J.Couvreur, présidente et J-C. Leroy, DG de PositiveMinders ; M-S. Desaulle, présidente de la Fédération des établissements hospitaliers et d’aide à la personne privés solidaires (FEHAP) ; R. Dysli, président de l’AIRe- Association des DITEP ; S. Galtié, directeur des pôles Santé Mentale et Médicosocial, MGEN ; P. Groisard, DG, Clubhouse France ; D. Guillot, président d’Argos 2001 ; M. Leboyer, DG de la Fondation FondaMental ; D. Leguay, président de Santé mentale France ; P. Le Loeuff, DG du Collectif national InterGEM ; A. Malâtre-Lansac, DG de l’Alliance pour la Santé Mentale ; P. Mariotti, président de l’Association des établissements participant au service public de santé mentale (ADESM) ; M. Musso, présidente de l’Association des jeunes psychiatres et jeunes addictologues (AJPJA) ; M-J. Richard, présidente de l’Union nationale des familles et amis de personnes malades et/ou handicapées psychiques (Unafam) ; N. Roudaut, DG de Nightline France ; D. Sebbane, directrice du Centre Collaborateur de l’OMS (CCOMS) pour la recherche et la formation en santé mentale ; M. Vidalenc, présidente de PSSM France, premiers secours en santé mentale ; Les membres de l’Association ICSM Facettes Festival.


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