In Vendée, they suffered from Lyme disease: “I found myself bedridden overnight”

In Vendée, they suffered from Lyme disease: “I found myself bedridden overnight”
In Vendée, they suffered from Lyme disease: “I found myself bedridden overnight”


Sebastien Bethune

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 12:09 p.m.

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Lyme borreliosis is a disease sometimes unknown of the general public. Caused by a tick biteit can cause serious neurological or joint damage.

Nine people were present at Les Achards to witness at the first information meetingand 2024, the the France Lyme association Vendée section last May. This permanence helps prevent the risks of illness. “Tick season is from March to October. We wish inform and raise awareness people,” declares Maryvonne, head of the Vendée section for the association and facilitator of the office.

First diagnosed Guillain-Barré after three weeks in a coma in 2012, Maryvonne was later diagnosed with Lyme disease. Since then, she has fought so that research progresses concerning this infection which leaves traces.

What is Lyme disease?

Lyme disease takes its name from an American city in Connecticut, where it was observed between 1975 and 1977 an epidemic affecting the joints.

The American bacteriologist Willy Burgdorfer isolated the germ responsible for the disease in 1982 and thus gave its name to the bacteria “borrelia burgdorferi”, borreliosis in French.

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted by tick bites. This mite sits on tall grass and spots its target (deer, field mice, squirrels, birds, dogs, horses, etc.) then clings to it. She feeds on his blood to grow.

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It becomes a carrier of the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease if an animal is infected. Humans are an accidental host.

The tick is found everywhere in metropolitan France.

In 2021in France, it is estimated that nearly 47 000 cas were diagnosed in general medicine, according to Public Health France. Since 2009, the estimate of the number of cases of Lyme borreliosis diagnosed in general practice has fluctuated between 25,000 and 68,530 cases per year.

An invisible illness?

Lyme is often considered an invisible disease, particularly because difficulty detecting it.

Mathieu, member of the France Lyme association, was present at this meeting to share his experience.

Piqué in 1998 by a tick, he was treated for three weeks, but something of the bacteria remained.

“I am chronically ill with the disease. In 1998, I had erythema migrans (Editor’s note: the red target of a tick bite) on my arm. I was treated for three weeks, but the illness remained, without me really realizing it. I was hyperactive and in 2018, overnight, I found myself bedridden for two to three years with severe joint pain and severe fatigue. »

Between the sting and the severe reaction, twenty years passed.

“I managed to alleviate the symptoms thanks to my lifestyle. I ate healthy and exercised a lot, so it slowed the progression of the disease. »

After going through hospitals in Loire-Atlantique, Mathieu found a specialist in Lyme disease who managed to find a treatment allowing him to live properly. “I still have periods of severe fatigue and memory loss, but I am getting better,” he assures.

Lyme disease is not just borreliosis, there are also co-infections. It is all these elements which make this unpredictable illness.

For her part, Cathy came to this meeting to find out. For two years, she has suffered from severe migraines, skin rash and fatigue. “I was on antibiotics for three weeks and it was better. But since then, the symptoms have returned. My blood test was negative so I’m having trouble making myself heard, it’s frustrating, I want to move forward. »

Cathy, came to get information at the office

What reflexes should you adopt?

Mathieu and Maryvonne know the risks and want to make themselves heard. “I think we need to put more money into research. Germany and the United States have become aware of the seriousness of this disease and are ahead of us,” shares Mathieu.

On each walk, it is necessary to protect yourself and adopt good behavior to avoid any risk of stings.

“It is important to wear light-colored clothing to see ticks more easily. Put your socks on over your pants and use repellents, as natural as possible. And above all, inspect yourself carefully when you come home, put your clothes aside and wash them at 60 degrees and obviously look carefully to see if any mites are on us. »

Mathieu, member of France Lyme

Now, if a tick bites you, you must remove it with a tick remover, which it is advisable to always have in your bag during a walk in the forest. You should definitely not use tweezers. “The goal is not to stress her out so that she doesn’t regurgitate what’s inside her,” he concludes.

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