Weather forecast for the week in the North and Pas-de-Calais: falling temperatures and return of rain

Weather forecast for the week in the North and Pas-de-Calais: falling temperatures and return of rain
Weather forecast for the week in the North and Pas-de-Calais: falling temperatures and return of rain


Nicolas Demollien

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 8:22 AM

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What will be the weather report in the Nord and the Pas-de-Calais the day after the 2024 legislative elections and as the passing of the Olympic flame looms. Between drop in temperatures et return of the rainwe take stock.

Temperatures drop and rain returns in the North and Pas-de-Calais

The week will however start under the best auspices with around twenty degrees of mercury and sunny weather despite the presence of many clouds.

The next day, Tuesday July 2, the sky will be much less clement with a gray sky and many showers in the early morning. However, they will become rarer in the afternoon and the sun should shine in the evening. Phew.

Wednesday July 3, gray and rain are on the menu with temperatures of 15 to 18°C. Thursday is expected to be the worst day of the week with very gray skies and lots of rain throughout the day. The thermometer should show around twenty degrees.

Friday, finally, big return of the sun in the morning and evening, but showers are still expected in the afternoon.

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And the weekend ?

For Saturday July 6, forecasters are unfortunately announcing very gray and humid weather in almost all of the two departments.
Sunday July 7, the week will end with beautiful morning clearings but also, once again, numerous showers.

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