Did you know ? The expression “In a car Simone” comes from… Allier

Did you know ? The expression “In a car Simone” comes from… Allier
Did you know ? The expression “In a car Simone” comes from… Allier

“In the car Simone”. The expression was popularized by the very popular animator Guy Lux, but few people know that it is linked to Allier. It is in fact to a resident of this department that we owe it.

In Gannat, in Allier, not all motorists know the expression “En voiture Simone”. Many also do not know that it is linked to the town where an exhibition pays tribute to her. “Come on, Simone, you’re the one driving, I’m the one honking” is the whole expression., specifies Virginie Forest, curator of the exhibition. It states: “Simone Des Forest was an aristocrat and racing driver. She was dependent on female drivers, who had a vehicle. Often, these drivers were on the start and finish line. In the meantime, a seasoned pilot was needed. So we called on Simone Des Forest”.

Simone Louis Pinet de Borde des Forest was passionate about cars from a very young age. She was one of the first French women to obtain her driving license in 1929. “She started her first race with her mother, says Virginie Forest. “She was 19 and she knew this was what she wanted to do with her life.”

Simone des Forest was a seasoned motorist.

© Christian Darneuville / FTV

Simone des Forest took part in four Monte Carlo rallies, three Morocco rallies, competed in Grand Prix in Belgium and Germany and broke 25 world records at Montlhéry before her sporting retirement at Gannat in 1950.

An inspiring journey: “It’s thanks to her that I got my driving license!”confides a motorist. Simone des Forest opens a driving school, near the station, she will train drivers until 1975. Daniel Giron, retired from Gannat was one of her former students. He says: “She was already teaching us how to skid in the meadows. She threw us into the meadow, suddenly she closed the handbrake, and we turned”.

A unique journey to discover at the Gannat Museum until September. More information on the prices and times of the exhibition on the Gannat town hall website.



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