this lunar reason why Pierre Arditi did not declare his taxes for a long time – Closer

this lunar reason why Pierre Arditi did not declare his taxes for a long time – Closer
this lunar reason why Pierre Arditi did not declare his taxes for a long time – Closer

Every day, Jordan receives guests from the world of entertainment, cinema, media and politics on C8. Career, private life, success, failures… Everyone delivers ultra-personal anecdotes about their journey like never before. Friday June 28, Pierre Arditi was the guest of the scoop specialist. He was not stingy with confidences either.

He notably revealed the amount of his pension: 4,500 euros after taxes. A comfortable sum that he believes he did not steal. Speaking of stealing (without doing it on purpose, of course, and making up for it afterwards!), during his long career of over 60 years, the actor, now aged 79, has sometimes earned large sums of money and kept them for himself. As he confided to the scoop specialist, he did not always declare everything to the tax authorities. But the reason was, according to him, very valid. Very frankly, he revealed it.

Pierre Arditi: “They told me, ‘You’re completely crazy, you’re going to end up in jail again!'”

For a (long) time, Pierre Arditi did not declare his taxes. For a simple reason: “I just didn’t know how to do it. So they would say to me, ‘You don’t declare it,’ and I would say, ‘No, no, they’ll come and find me.'” Fortunately, this somewhat risky assumption was dismantled by those close to him. They advised him not to play this dangerous game. . “I was told, ‘You’re completely crazy, you’re going to end up in jail again!'”the actor quoted.

Pierre Arditi listened to this advice. Rather than wait for the tax police to call him to order, he decided to hire someone to relieve him of administrative chores.. “And then I put in what was necessary and what I had to pay, which was normal, by the way, given my opinions!”

Pierre Arditi owed a huge sum to the tax authorities

This administrative phobia could have cost him dearly. Before employing anyone, the actor owed a huge sum to the taxman. Cumulative over years, the latter was counted in “hundreds of thousands of euros”as he clarified.

A tax delay which could have led the man of the theater to play a new role in an equally new play: “The man who owed big”. Fortunately this role never came up. “Now I’m up to date!”he concluded.



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