a big change for motorists on the roads? “We could then deactivate it with a single click”

a big change for motorists on the roads? “We could then deactivate it with a single click”
a big change for motorists on the roads? “We could then deactivate it with a single click”

Being disqualified from driving doesn’t happen for running a red light inadvertently. You have to be a seasoned carjacker, a repeat offender when it comes to drugs or alcohol while driving to reach such extremes.


However, some of these people, accustomed to police courts and who, behind the wheel of a car, are as dangerous as a loaded gun, have found the solution to continue driving in apparent legality.

All they have to do is go to the police station and declare the loss of their license before appearing in court. As the driving ban does not yet appear, the request for a duplicate will go through like a letter in the post. It is this perfectly legal copy that they will proudly brandish in the event of an inspection. The police do not have time to go beyond a simple visual check, and that’s it. If they are caught, their sentence will obviously be increased. They still have to get caught…

“It is unimaginable that in 2024, the digital license will not yet be required,” thunders police judge Peter D’Hondt in the columns of Het Laatste Nieuws. “We could then deactivate a license with a single click and the duplicate problem would be immediately resolved. »



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