its film adaptation will make you tremble!

its film adaptation will make you tremble!
its film adaptation will make you tremble!

Notice to die-hard Stephen King fans: this horror film, whose novel is the scariest according to the author himself, is available on a streaming platform.

Prepare to shiver at the sight Simetierre which is to see or rewatch on Paramount+ ! Adapted from the famous novel by Stephen King, the horror film tells the story of the Creed family who, after leaving the city of Chicago, settle in a peaceful town in Maine, more precisely in a house near a pet cemetery. This one is located on the ancient sacred lands of the Micmac Indians and is capable of resurrecting the dead. A series of fatal accidents will quickly transform the quiet life of this happy clan into a real nightmare.

Stephen King admits to having been “horrified” by his book Simetierre

Among all the works he wrote during his long career, Stephen King revealed in the columns of the magazine The Paris Review what Simetierre was without a doubt the scariest. “I’m proud of it (…), but it was horrible at the end, so horrible. There’s no hope left for anyone at the end of this book. Usually, I give away my drafts to my wife Tabby to read, but I didn’t give it to her. When I finished, I put it on the desk and left it there. I worked on Christine, which I. I liked it better, and which was published before Simetierre”. Decades after its publication, the American author acknowledges that he is still as “horrified” by what he wrote.

Simetierre : a second adaptation has seen the light of day, 30 years after the first feature film

After the success of Simetierrewhich grossed over $80 million on a budget of $11 million, a second adaptation of the novel was released in 2019. Available on Paramount+, the feature film picks up the plot of the 1980s film by telling the story of doctor Louis Creed. He leaves Boston with his wife and two children to settle in a small town in Maine. His daughter Ellie discovers an old pet cemetery hidden deep in the woods. But shortly after this discovery, her cat dies when crushed by a truck. Frightened at the idea of ​​announcing this terrible news, the father turns to his neighbor, the eccentric Jud Crandall, who offers to bury the animal in the cemetery. Unknowingly, they have set off a series of evil events.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias



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