In Memoriam: Anouk Aimée (1932-2024)

In Memoriam: Anouk Aimée (1932-2024)
In Memoriam: Anouk Aimée (1932-2024)

Anouk Aimee died this weekPeter Fetterman had the great idea of ​​paying tribute to the iconic French actress with this portrait created by William Klein, he accompanies it with this short text. And below, discover the trailer for the essential 60s film from Claude Lelouch : ” A man and a woman “(1966)

Dear friends,

Those of us of a certain age learned today with some sadness of the death of the great French actress Anouk Aimée. Certainly, 92 years is a long and productive life, but it’s all the memories of our own youth that come back.

Anouk starred in one of the seminal films of the 1960s, ” A man and a woman “, probably the most tender and romantic film ever made. I’m sure many of us remember exactly where we first saw it and who we were with. I know I found it so moving and just thinking about it, well…

Bill Klein took this stunning photo of her four years before the film launched her to worldwide fame.

Rest in peace Anouk.

Peace and Love,

Peter Fetterman

Peter Fetterman Gallery
2525 Michigan Ave, Gallery A1
Santa Monica, CA 90404-4031



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