“I didn’t ask for it”: this special hospital precaution with Pierre Arditi

“I didn’t ask for it”: this special hospital precaution with Pierre Arditi
“I didn’t ask for it”: this special hospital precaution with Pierre Arditi

In September 2023, Pierre Arditi was on stage when he gave his fans a huge scare. After twenty minutes of performance of the piece Lapland, the actor fell ill on stage at the Édouard VII theater in Paris.
Quickly taken care of, Pierre Arditi was transferred to the hospital. He returned to the stage a few months later and suffered a second illness, which forced him to take a break to rest. Guest on the show At Jordan’s This Friday, June 28, the main person concerned made some confidences. “No, I didn’t take any precautions and there were no photos.”he began, referring to his hospitalization.

When he spent a long time in hospital, Michel Drucker changed his identity so as not to be bothered. For his part, Pierre Arditi claims to have “had a different identity but I did not ask for it”. For around ten days, he forgot his real surname in order to be able to carry out his exams discreetly. “I don’t remember the name they gave me. The idea was that I couldn’t be found,”
continues the actor. Today, these two discomforts are only a bad memory for Pierre Arditi. “I’m doing very well,” says the main person concerned, determined to forget his health concerns.

Pierre Arditi: the actor transparent about his discomfort

Pierre Arditi has made a series of confidences. “It happened, I don’t know how. While playing with Muriel Robin, I collapsed in her arms”, he started. With great humor, he then adds: “She didn’t ask for so much because I’m not her type. She was exemplary.” Concerning this evening, Pierre Arditi says he has no memories. “I completely lost consciousness,” before deploring the fact that this affair has been widely publicized. “It was taken over by the media, some of them, if we had listened to them, announced that I was dead,” he said before continuing: “We can’t do it like that but hey. The world had stopped.”

Jordan de Luxe confirms his guest’s comments, indicating that he thought the latter was dead. For his part, Pierre Arditi declares: Many people showed me their sympathy, their affection. To that extent, I was surprised.” If this period was very complicated for Pierre Arditi, he nevertheless assures that he has achieved his popularity with an audience that he particularly likes. “It was beyond a not very pleasant adventure, it was wonderful because I dreamed of being a popular actor and I am,” he rejoiced, also specifying:
“I have a passion for the public, my life is theater”.

Pierre Arditi: the actor victim of two illnesses

A few months after his first illness, Pierre Arditi suffered a second one. “The first time, I felt very unwell, more than just vagal,” he said, specifying that his hospitalization had been too short.
“Six days later, I didn’t collapse but I had a momentary loss of memory,” Pierre Arditi continues. After having done a rehearsal with Muriel Robin, during which everything went well, he confides that he went to see her an hour later. At that moment, he tells her about his memory lapse.
“We cancelled and an hour later I got my memory back,” said the actor.

Following this memory loss, Pierre Arditi was transferred back to the hospital. The doctors immediately informed him that he would not be released as quickly as the previous time. “I stayed about ten days. I was under observation since nothing got worse in the same way anymore,” he concluded. In the show Seven to Eight A few months ago, Pierre Arditi made it known that he was the main person responsible for these discomforts. “I still consider myself 18 and a half. You still have to take into account the warning signs that life sends you.”he said. Today, Pierre Arditi is delighted to be back on stage, after a much-needed break for his health.



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