les sculptures and bronze d’Adriaan Diedericks

les sculptures and bronze d’Adriaan Diedericks
les sculptures and bronze d’Adriaan Diedericks

At just 33 years old, Adriaan Diedericks has already made a name for himself in the world of sculpture. This artist, originally from South Africa and domiciled in the department of Creuse, twice finalist of the renowned Sasol New Signatures, strives to reflect the shapes of the statues of ancient Greece, with contemporary refinement.

A journey into the epic of man

It draws on classical mythology, African and European, to integrate images of men, horses, and ships. Connoisseurs point out that his creations are inspired by Michel Foucault’s Theory of Power and Hegel’s dialectic of master and servant.

This work, which appears in important art collections and materialized in public sculptures visible in South Africa, Germany, and France, is currently visible at the Musée de la Vallée de la Creuse d’Éguzon, which had already hosted last year the paintings of another atypical artist, Anders Osterlind.

“This is an exceptional exhibitionunderlines the mayor of the town, Jean-Paul Thibaudeau. One of our residents, the painter François Peplowski, knows Adriaan Diedericks who agreed to present around twenty works, including a monumental piece installed in front of the establishment. This young artist has enormous talent and takes us on a journey through the epic of man. »

An approach that aims to be organic

The pieces which sit in an airy space, conducive to contemplation, express for their author, “messages inherent in scale and material, having worked in poor substances such as found wood and plastic, often solidifying them permanently through the use of bronze. »

Jean-Paul Thibaudeau underlines the quality of the works presented by the young sculptor.
© (Photo NR, Jean-Michel Bonnin)

An approach that aims to be organic, summarized by Carine Sthal, the director of the museum : “There is in Adriaan Diedericks’ sculpture the madness of men: a ubuesque epic of a perpetual quest. We can read through the sails of the boats, the racing of the horses and the masculine strength, an allegory of the conqueror. But by looking too hard, man loses his humanity. He becomes a wooden monster, a pierced giant. Suffering creeps in and the journey is tumultuous. » A artistic adventure in which we can embark until November 15.

“Épopée” exhibition until Friday November 15 at the Creuse Valley Museum. 2, rue de la gare in Éguzon. Open Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Such. Email: [email protected]



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