her son Louis Ducruet soon to be a father for the second time (the pregnancy announcement is adorable)

her son Louis Ducruet soon to be a father for the second time (the pregnancy announcement is adorable)
her son Louis Ducruet soon to be a father for the second time (the pregnancy announcement is adorable)

Louis Ducruet and his wife Marie Ducruet have just announced that the family will soon expand with the arrival of a new child during the year 2024. The son of Stéphanie de Monaco shared the news of the most beautiful way possible…

The stars’ pink notebook continues to expand in 2024! While the American Gal Gadot gave birth to her fourth child, Raphaël and his wife Mélanie Thierry welcomed their third in May. Singer Yannick Noah has just announced that he will become a father again at the age of 64. And if the hosts Marie Portolano and Sonia Mabrouk have confirmed their maternity leave, the singer Justin Bieber recently made official the pregnancy of his wife Hailey Bieber. Could she give birth before the actresses Lea Michele, Anaïs Demoustier and Héloïse Martin who announced that all three of them were pregnant?

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It is on the Rock that all the spotlights are now focused after one of the eminent members of the royal family of Monaco revealed that a birth was expected very soon. Indeed, on Monday June 17 Louis Ducruet posted two photos of her first child, a girl named Victory and born last year, with their four-legged companion.

Louis Ducruet plays the humor card

In the caption of these very tender photos showing a lot of complicity between the two little beings, we can read: “Pancake and Goldilocks have an announcement to make… they are expecting a new sibling member, the family is growing”. But the son of Stephanie of Monaco wanted to be even more subtle since her daughter is wearing a pink sweatshirt on which the inscription is embroidered “Older sister”. For his part, the dog Pancake wears a bandana around his neck, on which it is written: “Oh no, not yet!”. It is true that the couple had not let much time pass since the birth of Victoire, on April 4, 2023 in Monaco. Especially since we have confirmation that the second child of Louis Ducruet and his wife Marie Ducruet would be with us this year. Once again, the dog’s bandana bears the words “2024”.

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Admirers of the couple who got engaged five years ago, then married in 2019 in Monaco, are having a great time. In just a few hours, the publication of the king’s nephew Albert II collected more than 3,000 likes and congratulatory messages are piling up on Instagram. “What good news !”, “Congratulations”, “Amazing! Good luck” or “All my congratulations my dear”we can read, which once again demonstrates the interest that Internet users have in the royal family of Monaco.

Camille Gottlieb happy to be auntie again

Louis Ducruet’s little sister also wanted to share the good news and confirm her pride in soon being an auntie for the second time. In story on Instagram, Camille Gottlieb who is also Victoire’s godmother posted the photo of her goddaughter and Pancake online with a few words for the couple: “Here we go again. Proud Aunt”. For the moment, no other additional information is provided. It therefore seems that we must be patient before knowing the sex and, possibly, the first name of this child.

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We remember that Louis Ducruet and his wife revealed the way in which they had announced that they were expecting their first child to their loved ones in the columns of the magazine Gala. “We told my mother and my sisters Pauline and Camille at the same time during a meal. They exploded with joy and cried. My father, an emotional person of the first category, burst into tears”, Louis Ducruet said. Will we know how Stéphanie of Monaco learned that she was going to be a grandmother again soon?


If writing is a pleasure, being read is even more so. Passionate about pop culture, Jonathan sets the pace in the right tone to always keep you well informed. Attracted by …



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