Targeted by a crossbow shot: A police officer in charge of security at the Israeli embassy between life and death

Targeted by a crossbow shot: A police officer in charge of security at the Israeli embassy between life and death
Targeted by a crossbow shot: A police officer in charge of security at the Israeli embassy between life and death

The officer was shot in the neck.

A Serbian police officer in charge of security at the Israeli embassy in Belgrade was injured on Saturday by an assailant who fired a crossbow before being shot dead, Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dačić announced, describing the attack as a terrorist act against Serbia.

This police officer is in critical condition and is currently undergoing surgery, said Ivica Dačić, quoted by the Serbian news agency Tanjug.

No embassy employees were injured, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said.

According to Ivica Dačić, the Serbian policeman was hit in the neck by an arrow and responded by firing several shots at the attacker, who was killed.

“This is a terrorist attack against Serbia,” he said in a statement carried by Tanjug. According to Ivica Dačić, several people suspected of being linked to this attack were arrested.

Suspects already known to the services

“There are indications that (those arrested) are already known to the security services and we are talking about the Wahhabi organisation, but this is not yet confirmed,” he said.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry, for its part, indicated that there had been “an attempted terrorist attack near the Israeli embassy in Belgrade”.

“The embassy is closed and no embassy employees were injured. The circumstances of the incident are under investigation,” said a statement from the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

Israel-linked institutions around the world are on high alert amid the risk of attacks and increased protests since Israel launched its offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the attack. carried out by the Palestinian group in southern Israel on October 7, 2023.



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