Vladimir Putin sets conditions for Ukraine to start negotiations, kyiv rejects them – rts.ch

Vladimir Putin sets conditions for Ukraine to start negotiations, kyiv rejects them – rts.ch
Vladimir Putin sets conditions for Ukraine to start negotiations, kyiv rejects them – rts.ch

– Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday that he would negotiate with Ukraine in the event of withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from the four regions it claims and when kyiv gives up joining NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he “rejected” this “Hitler-style” “ultimatum”.

– Vladimir Putin also described on Friday as “theft” the freezing of Russian assets in the West and their use to help Ukraine resist Russia, and promised to respond, after an agreement reached Thursday at the G7.

– Russia says it shot down 87 Ukrainian drones during the night from Thursday to Friday, 70 of which targeted the Rostov region (south) housing the headquarters of the Russian operation in Ukraine.

– Visiting the Federal Palace, the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Ruslan Stefantchouk asked for solidarity from the participants in the Bürgenstock peace conference. They must clearly recognize the aggressor and the victim, argued. He thus explained Russia’s non-invitation to the summit.

– The international summit in Bürgenstock in the canton of Nidwalden takes place this weekend and preparations continue, including to ensure the security of the conference. Russia will not be there, however, and neither kyiv nor Bern have managed to convince China to participate.

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