Gaza: Blinken encouraged by the positions of Netanyahu and Hamas

Gaza: Blinken encouraged by the positions of Netanyahu and Hamas
Gaza: Blinken encouraged by the positions of Netanyahu and Hamas

Blinken says he is encouraged by the positions of Netanyahu and Hamas

Published today at 11:04 a.m.

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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken assured Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had “reaffirmed his commitment” to a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, while calling Hamas’ reaction an “encouraging sign”. to the UN resolution supporting this truce plan.

“I met with Mr. Netanyahu last night and he reaffirmed his commitment to the proposal” for a ceasefire agreement, said Mr. Blinken, referring to the plan presented by the United States to the UN . The head of American diplomacy also described as an “encouraging sign” the reaction of Hamas, which said it welcomed the UN Security Council resolution passed on Tuesday for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. .


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