2024 legislative elections in Val-d’Oise: LFI-RN ​​duel in the 9th constituency

2024 legislative elections in Val-d’Oise: LFI-RN ​​duel in the 9th constituency
2024 legislative elections in Val-d’Oise: LFI-RN ​​duel in the 9th constituency


Joseph CANU

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 10:51 a.m.

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In the 9e constituency of Val-d’Oisethe outgoing MP Arnaud Le Gall (Lfi – New Popular Front) comes first with 40.73% of the votes cast in front of Agnes Marion (National Rally) 30.56%, Elisa Demir (Together – Renaissance) 14.60%, Anthony Arciero (The Republicans) 11.37%, and Danièle Hanryon (extreme left shade) 1.47%, David Said (Reconquest) 0.90%, I plant Wassa (Divers) 0,37%, Mohamed Najib (Miscellaneous) 0% and Vanessa Ronchini (extreme left shade) 0%.

Le Gall: “The hardest part remains to be done”

“We are making a lot of progress compared to 2022 (29.13%), with very good scores in the big cities (49.22% in Gonesse and 56.98% in Goussainville) and significant scores in the small towns,” reacts the candidate who is seeking a second term.

“But the hardest part remains to be done, which is why I call on all voters who are still attached to republican values, as well as abstentioniststo vote for me,” adds Arnaud Le Gall, already mobilized with his team for the campaign of second tour.

“Our result, at the same level as that of Jordan Bardella during the European elections (31.5%), is very encouraging,” says Agnès Marion.

Unsurprisingly, the Rn candidate is well ahead in the rural communities of the constituency (69.57% in Vaudherland in particular). “It’s logical, since the voters of these small towns feel abandoned and not in security“They feel like they’re working for nothing,” she says. “We also achieved a very good score, between 40 and 45%, in a number of medium-sized towns,” adds the chief of staff of Marion Maréchal.

Appeal to Lr voters

“The score of Anthony Arciero (Les Républicains) is also very interesting. I call on all his voters to opt for the only alternative vision to the far left in the National Assembly, whose excesses and surrealist positions have led France to where it is, with a declining purchasing power, but taxes and insecurity that continue to increase. The moment of the political shift came,” concludes the Rn candidate.

Videos: currently on News

With 62.40% of voters in the first round, the 9th constituency shows a slightly lower turnout than the other constituencies in the department. The call for mobilisation Will one of the two finalist candidates be heard? Answer on Sunday, July 7.

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