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Cleaning operation at Anse Marguerite au Moule

Cleaning operation at Anse Marguerite au Moule
Cleaning operation at Anse Marguerite au Moule

Several dozen volunteers went yesterday morning (Sunday, June 30) to the beach at Anse Marguerite, in Le Moule, to collect as much waste as possible.

This initiative was organized in collaboration by the Bulle bleue, Synov and Éclair de Quartier associations.

Lucettea regular waste collection volunteer, describes the situation as never-ending.

It’s recurring, in Bois Jolan, in Pointe-à-Pitre… on all the beaches and it’s all the time. You do it today, but you come back next week, it’s the same. And that’s what I don’t understand. We should get more involved. Every healthy Guadeloupean should clean even without the associations. You come to the beach, you find trash, you take a trash bag home, you pick it up. It’s a citizen action.

This is the first waste collection for Claire who was made aware by her sister. According to her, the beauty of Guadeloupe must be preserved.

I’m happy to be here. We have such a pretty island and to see that it is damaged like that, that there are so many bottles, things lying around. Guadeloupe is a joy for everyone.

According to Yaëlle Pagésypresident of the Bulle Bleue association, collaboration between different organizations and associations is necessary to be able to move forward more quickly.

This collaboration was created because we wanted to join forces to be able to clean Anse Marguerite in Le Moule, to be able to enhance our coastline, to be able to make it cleaner. We know that together, we go further and faster and we are stronger. We tell ourselves that we must make our Guadeloupe more beautiful, pay attention to Guadeloupe, respect ourselves to respect it. So, we each do our part, like the little hummingbird.

The results of the collection are clear. More than 500 kilograms of waste were collected in one morning, along with several tires and pieces of scrap metal.



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