“phenomenon”, “iconic”… The semi-final starts with a twist

“phenomenon”, “iconic”… The semi-final starts with a twist
“phenomenon”, “iconic”… The semi-final starts with a twist

The Mask Singer 2024 semi-final got off to a flying start. The arrival of a mystery investigator caused a dramatic turn of events from the start of the show.

Let’s go for the semi-final of Mask Singer 2024 ! The show this Saturday, June 15, chose the 80s as its theme. For the occasion, Camille Combal opted for a disguise of Marty McFly, cult character of Back to the future. Broadcast exceptionally on Saturday and not Friday due to Euro 2024, the prime sees the Hippopotamus, the Pearl, the Scarecrow and the Leopard confront each other, after the elimination of the Geishamurai (which caused a lot of reaction from Internet users last week).

There will only be three places in the final and a mystery investigator has joined the jury to determine who is hiding under the different costumes of the TF1 program. This is the Avatar, who interpreted If I was a man by Diane Tell to start the evening. And Chantal Ladesou once again delighted

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Chantal Ladesou’s festival in Mask Singer

In the quarter-finals, a gaffe by the actress made viewers laugh a lot. This Saturday, she didn’t wait long before entertaining the gallery. As soon as the Avatar arrived on the set alongside Camille Combal, Chantal Ladesou exclaimed: “can I kabuker?”. Laurent Ruquier was surprised: “We didn’t see who it was”. No tapes or songs had started yet. But the investigator insists: “I saw his approach”.

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The actress then calls Maître Moya, the bailiff responsible for determining whether it is a correct answer and awarding him the points, and begins to flirt with him. But it is a failure. It is not about Jean-Luc Reichmann as she thought. On the Web, the comments were unanimous: “She is just iconic”, “Without her it wouldn’t be the same”, “What phenomenon”… But who was actually hiding under the Avatar costume ?

The Avatar makes Internet users react

Thanks to the clues given, investigators quickly suspected the actor Vincent Desagnat to invite himself alongside them, after having appeared earlier in the season in Pickle. The actor revealed himself and took his place to try to guess who are the last four candidates for the victory of Mask Singer. A great surprise for some people : “I’m so happy to see Vincent again, he really had fun in the pickle and he had so much fun participating in the show, he was eliminated too early so it’s nice that he’s coming back as an investigator, they had already done that with Francis Huster”, “looking forward to seeing if Vincent is going to be a good investigator”…

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Others regret not seeing a new personality, or not seeing a personality from the 80s to better fit the theme of the evening. After Gloria Gaynor and Natalie Imbruglia and Ladybug, the personalities surprised this year on the first channel. Who will be crowned the big winner? Answer next week…

Editor for Aufeminin since 2022, Charlotte is passionate about cinema, French and international, and a fortune reader. Curious about everything, she talks as much about personalities as…



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