Emilie Fanich (Large families) explains why the construction of their swimming pool was delayed

Emilie Fanich (Large families) explains why the construction of their swimming pool was delayed
Emilie Fanich (Large families) explains why the construction of their swimming pool was delayed

Yesterday at 6:00 p.m. – by
Jessica Gajderowicz

This Friday, June 14, Emilie Fanich made new confidences about the renovations of her house, particularly regarding her swimming pool. The former candidate of Large families: life in XXL explained why its construction was delayed on Instagram.

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After several participations in Large families: life in XXL, Emilie and Franck Fanich have decided to withdraw from the program. It must be said that their daily life has been very busy since the arrival of their youngest Mahé as well as the work on their house. Although they had received an offer for it, the couple finally chose to continue the renovations in order to increase its value before potentially settling in the south of France, as the mother dreamed of. In the meantime, they don’t hesitate to reveal the step-by-step transformation of their house.

Large families : Emilie Fanich explains why the construction of her swimming pool is delayed

Since the end of their participation in Large families: life in XXL, the work has progressed well. However, there is one place that has fallen behind schedule: the swimming pool. This Friday, June 14, the mother explained why the project has not moved forward. “The small swimming pool, well the small swimming pool, the big swimming pool is still there. She’s still waiting. We are going to finish it but with the weather we have had over the last few days, it was a little complicated because we had to make the technical room for the swimming pool. With the rain it was not possible. So, that’s it, it’s going to be finished.”

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Emilie Fanich (Large families: life in the 20th centuryL) explains the next steps needed to build the pool

From now on, the Fanichs will be able to take the next step. “So we will be able to launch, that’s it, the command is practically launched for everything relating to the pump, well for everything relating to the swimming pool. Then, we will also have to launch the command for the membrane. think that there, that’s it, we are practically sure of the shade we are going to choose” added the former candidate of Large families: life in XXL. Emilie Fanich concluded: We didn’t leave out the swimming pool, it’s just that over time it got complicated. It will come“. Before that, the couple will still have to scrape the inside of the pool. A step that will “take a long time“. To be continued.

Article written in collaboration with 6medias.

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