The Place de l’emploi takes place in the Belleroche district

The Place de l’emploi takes place in the Belleroche district
The Place de l’emploi takes place in the Belleroche district

The Jobs placeorganized by France Travail and its partners* once again stops at the heart of the Belleroche district among those furthest from employment. “The objective is to meet recruiting companies and job seekers and to bring to the foot of the buildings all the services that can revolve around a job search”underlines Nadine Prenas, director of the France Labor Agency in Villefranche.

20 companies present

A twenty companies will be present from the health sectors (including the North-West hospital), personal services, industry, commerce, hotels/restaurants, transport, construction, etc. It will be possible to have interviews live with local businesses as part of a flash job dating. “Job offers will be displayed (with QR codes), on which job seekers will be able to position themselves directly.”

“Remove barriers to employment”

And France Work area will be set up to learn everything about “facilitated immersion” (immersion in a company), discover jobs using virtual headsets and learn about the MRS (Simulation Recruitment Method). “The objective is also to support candidates to remove obstacles to employment”, adds Aude Goupilleau, team manager at the France Travail agency in Villefranche. These may be problems related to mobility or housing.

The Jobs placea traveling village, particularly in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, is open to anyone registered with France Travail or not. “We reach out to people who do not always dare to cross the door of a France Travail agency,” underlines Nadine Prenas. Will be present Mission locale et Cap employmentpartners of this initiative, and other structures which have a vocation for integration, in particular through economic activity.

Thematic spaces hosted by France Travail and its partners

An advice and support area will offer support for interview techniques, the creation of CVs and cover letters. Another will be dedicated to recruitment, allowing companies and candidates to meet around local opportunities. A local market space will aim to promote the economic activity of a territory and present its jobs. A harvest stand will also be set up.

Round table with businesses

It is planned to organize a round table with businesses at 10:45 a.m. on the theme: “how to properly integrate a future employee into a company and with what tools? and how to welcome an employee so that they can stay beyond their trial period, or when they need to train to subsequently join the company.

In 2023, the Place de l’emploi in Belleroche welcomed nearly 500 people, 120 interviews were conducted.

La Place de l’emploi is an event of the Réseau pour l’emploi. Resulting from the Full Employment Law. The Employment Network is made up of integration and employment stakeholders, notably the State, local authorities, local missions, placement organizations specializing in the professional integration of people with disabilities and operator France Travail.

*Cap emploi, Nouveau Rhône Department, Local Mission, Villefranche town hall and Villefranche Beaujolais Saône agglomeration community.

More informations : Wednesday June 26 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., 156 rue Pierre-Guillermet in Villefranche.

Bringing public services as close as possible to beneficiaries

The job market is a concept which responds to the need to more easily reach people far from employment and public services in general, who travel little and live mainly in areas lacking local services.

The Place de l’emploi compensates for this deficit by bringing its services as close as possible to the beneficiaries, in the neighborhoods of urban centers or in isolated rural villages and which consists of setting up a mini-job fair, equipped with several stands for welcome residents into the heart of their place of life.



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