What will the weather be like in Villefranche-sur-Saône and its surrounding areas on Monday June 24, 2024?

What will the weather be like in Villefranche-sur-Saône and its surrounding areas on Monday June 24, 2024?
What will the weather be like in Villefranche-sur-Saône and its surrounding areas on Monday June 24, 2024?

When you wake up, the weather will be clear in Villefranche-sur-Saône this Monday, June 24, 2024, and the temperature will be on average 18°C ​​over the first part of the day. During the first half of the day, the sky will be mostly cloudy. At dawn, the wind will be 10 km/h, and will suddenly increase between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. until it reaches approximately 30 km/h. In bursts, it can exceed 55 km/h. Its direction will be inconsistent during this time slot. The mercury will read 15°C at 6 a.m., and will gradually rise during the morning to 24°C.

During the afternoon, the wind strength will continue to pick up between noon and 5 p.m. up to around 35 km/h, and it will blow from the North. 65 km/h can be reached in bursts. The sky will still be cloudy at the start of the afternoon, before darkening around 1 p.m. The thermometer will continue to rise towards the middle of the afternoon to reach 27°C.

During the evening, the mercury will drop to 22°C around midnight, while the wind will die down to around 15 km/h at the start of the night. Gusts could reach 65 km/h. Its orientation will be unstable during this interval. The sky will still be very cloudy around 6 p.m., then the clouds will partially clear towards the beginning of the evening and clear around 9 p.m.

The wind force will oscillate around 15 km/h during the night, and it will come from the North, then move to the North-East around 5 a.m. The sky will still be clear at the start of the night, then become cloudy around 4 a.m. and completely cloudy towards the end of the night. The thermometer will continue to drop between midnight and 6 a.m. to reach 18°C.

For tomorrow, the air temperature will be almost the same as today: rising to 22°C on average, its maximum of 25°C will be reached from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The weather will be mainly overcast, with light rain in the second half of the day and in the evening but also thunderstorms in the second half of the day and in the evening.

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