Bernard Montiel launches a new rant about his former villa

Bernard Montiel launches a new rant about his former villa
Bernard Montiel launches a new rant about his former villa

It’s been three years since Bernard Montiel sold his second home in Pyla-sur-Mer and today he’s having a rant about it. Indeed, if the columnist of TPMP has very good memories of this house, he is not very happy with the behavior of its buyers.

Interviewed by our colleagues from Purepeople This Monday, September 23, Bernard Montiel mentioned an old house belonging to him which is causing him some problems today.It was a house near the famous La Corniche establishment, in Pyla-sur-Mer, where I lived for 30 years.“, explains the regular columnist of Don’t touch my post. “An old house with thick walls that could not be moved (…) a house full of memories“, a house that “had a lot of charm” but whose former host of Gag Video decided to separate three years ago, for more “of modernity, light, more open spaces“. But what Bernard Montiel focused on was above all the behavior of the latter’s buyers.

It bothers me“: Bernard Montiel annoyed by the behavior of the buyers of his old house

It seems that your name is still being used to rent this house, even though it no longer belongs to you. What does that mean to you?“, ask our colleagues from Purepeople. And Bernard Montiel replied: “Exactly, and it’s something that annoys me. I sold this house several years ago, but some people continue to rent it out, pretending that it’s still mine. It happened to me several times that I ran into people on the street who told me that they had a wonderful stay at my place. Once, Julien Lepers told me that his daughter had loved her stay in my house in Pyla. I told him that I was not renting this house, that I had sold it a while ago. It bothers me that my name is still being used to attract tenants. It is no longer my house, I have nothing to do with it, and it is embarrassing“.

Where life was good” : Bernard Montiel talks about his old house in Pyla-sur-Mer

Because he grew up in the region, it was quite natural for Bernard Montiel to decide to return there every summer to his second home in Pyla-sur-Mer.I spent wonderful moments in this house. Friends and personalities like Alain Delon, Mireille Darc came to stay there. Dinners and friendly evenings were often organized there. It was really a place for meeting and relaxing. I loved having friends there, it was a house where life was good“, confided Bernard Montiel who “still a strong attachment to this region where I come from“.



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