this photographer amazes us by capturing this roaring waterfall in the Jura

this photographer amazes us by capturing this roaring waterfall in the Jura
this photographer amazes us by capturing this roaring waterfall in the Jura

In Baume-les-Messieurs (Jura), the Tufs waterfall, swollen by the latest rains, provides a majestic spectacle for hikers. It is one of the favorite places of Thierry Werlen, passionate about nature photography.

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If the rather humid weather of the last few days discourages some and makes them want warm comfort, it is in the Jura, always conducive to the most creative shots of the numerous waterfalls of the massif.

The Baume-les-Messieurs waterfall is an emblematic tufa formation of the Jura

© Thierry Werlen

Thierry Werlen is one of the daring people who willingly don rain gear to immortalize the downpours in our remote areas. This September 26, it was towards Baume-les-Messieurs that the Jurassian headed, to box one of the most beautiful representatives of the region’s tufa formations. The tuff waterfall, which is not to be confused with that of Arbois, is for him, each time, a wonder.

It is majestic, it is a tuff which is grandiose, the site is spectacular.

Thierry Werlen, amateur photographer

A spectacle as elegant as it is ephemeral

A fan of nature photos, he is not unconditional about it, but he admits it all the same: “I like her a lot.” Housed in the green setting of the remote Baume-les-Messieurs, the emblematic waterfall of the Jura delivers a breathtaking spectacle, but very dependent on precipitation.

The karst soil of the Jura is no secret to the Franks-Comtois, Thierry Werlen knows something about it. “A waterfall evolves all the time!” “In summer there is nothing at all, given the weather, it was the ideal opportunity to go for a walk!”

For this image enthusiast, the tuff waterfall also shows a considerable advantage compared to others, its ease of approach. “Access for certain people, disabled or otherwise, is important for sharing. She has direct access.”

Water is life. We have many magnificent waterfalls in the Jura.

Thierry Werlen, amateur photographer

Share, to bring to life

For Thierry Werlen, shooting is a passion that also includes sharing with others. With his 21-year-old daughter, who follows him hiking, but also on social networks. On certain photography or nature groups, his posts are sometimes very appreciated. “I had already taken it in February, there were more than 49,000 likes. I didn’t expect such enthusiasm. To have so much in a group… it still surprises me.”

Make the images available to those “who can no longer move around”to “elderly people”Thierry Werlen is delighted to move landscapes to those who do not have the chance to observe them in real life.

The Saut Girard waterfall is the first in the succession of Hérisson waterfalls.

© Thierry Werlen

Increasingly known outside our regions, the waterfalls of the Jura are sometimes victims of their success, a criticism which is regularly addressed to the media and to amateur photographers. Thierry Werlen remembers a disapproving comment on one of his publications. “1 in 100, but we keep it”even if, he specifies, “It’s a minority.”

So what equipment does Thierry Werlen use? “These are photos that I only take on the phone”he admits with humility. With professional adjustment, and with retouching on specialized software, but as he points out, the camera does not make the photographer. “It’s good to have a Formula 1 car, if you don’t know how to drive it, you won’t use its potential to 100%.”

The Bief de la Ruine waterfall is the highest in the Jura, with a drop of nearly 110m.

© Thierry Werlen

For the untrained eye, it becomes difficult to see the difference between images captured with a camera or with a smartphone. “People think I’m equipped!”he laughs, still equipped with a pole and a tripod.

With a little equipment, if you are passionate, you can use 100% of your capabilities.

Thierry Werlen, amateur photographer

Discreet, Thierry Werlen does not exhibit his photos, but you can find them online, this is where he still enjoys contact with nature lovers the most.



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