Camille Lellouche compares herself to Edith Piaf and reveals her dream of playing her in the cinema

Camille Lellouche compares herself to Edith Piaf and reveals her dream of playing her in the cinema
Camille Lellouche compares herself to Edith Piaf and reveals her dream of playing her in the cinema

Could Camille Lellouche be the new Edith Piaf? During his appearance on the RFM show 1 hour with This Saturday, September 28, the actress and singer told Bernard Montiel of her wish to play La Môme in the cinema.

In full promotion of the film The lucky one of which she is one of the headliners, Camille Lellouche was this Saturday, September 28, the guest of the show 1 hour with on RFM. Far from the register of comedy that the actress and singer came to defend, the presenter of the show, Bernard Montiel, played an extract from My old man by Edith Piaf, during the blind test sequence. A choice inspired by Instagram publications from the former candidate of The Voice who highlighted his resemblance to the interpreter of The hymn to love. “It’s my dream. If they remake Piaf in ten years, I would like to be there”then launched Camille Lellouche.

Camille Lellouche soon in the shoes of Edith Piaf in the cinema?

“Do you want to do Piaf in the cinema?”Bernard Montiel then asked him. Marion [Cotillard] when she played it (in the film by Olivier Dahan The Kidin 2007, editor’s note)it upset me”replied the 38-year-old artist who perhaps has not forgotten that this performance had allowed the French actress revealed in the saga Taxi to win an Oscar in 2008. Camille Lellouche feels very close to the interpreter of La vie en roseartistically and humanly. “I think we have something quite in common with Edith… I say that as if she were my friend, rest her soul”she began to explain.

Edith Piaf, a “caillera” before time for Camille Lellouche

“As frail as she was, and then she didn’t have much luck with a lot of things. She had a dramatic life and when she came on stage, it felt like it was the last time. It was the caillera of the time”estimated the mother. “It was popular, it was popular meaning”analyzed Bernard Montiel. “Well, that’s who I am, huh”confirmed Camille Lellouche, appearing to launch an appeal to directors or producers excited about such a project. “With Piaf there is that. A path of pain, of emotion, of strength too, and of a fighter. You are a warrior, like Piaf was”launched the host, going in his direction.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias



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