Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine shocked by Isabelle Carré’s behavior in “C à vous”

Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine shocked by Isabelle Carré’s behavior in “C à vous”
Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine shocked by Isabelle Carré’s behavior in “C à vous”

Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine in “C à vous” on September 17, 2024
5 screenshot

The host welcomed the actress into her show, as well as the novelist Amélie Nothomb and the Olympic surfing medalist Kauli Vaast.

Like every weekday evening, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine presented, this Tuesday, September 17, a new edition of “C à vous” on France 5. The host received several guests including the novelist Amélie Nothomb who came to present her new book The impossible return (Albin Michel) and the actress Isabelle Carré who spoke about her next play.

From September 25, she will be on stage at the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin in the play La Serva Amorosa directed by Catherine Hiegel. Upon arriving on set, the actress spoke about her role as a servant, which is particularly close to her heart. This play was, in fact, performed for the first time in 1993 and Isabelle Carré was in the audience at that time. She has fond memories of it. “Theatre can produce that: a memory very different from cinema images. It can remain engraved but really for life in your head”she explained.

Also read“I didn’t want to live anymore”: Isabelle Carré, moved, confides in her depression in “C à vous”

Later in the show, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine welcomed Olympic surfing medalist Kauli Vaast. As a preamble, the host showed a video given by the surfer’s father in which we see him at the age of six answering an interview. He explains that he has been practicing this sport since he was two years old and that he loves everything about it. “You have grown up wellthen bounced back Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine. Grown up in every sense of the word by becoming an Olympic champion in your first participation in the Games. I believe you came with your Olympic medal.”

“Oh my, I’ve never seen a gold medal up close.”enthused Isabelle Carré while Amélie Nothomb asked “Can I take it?” before grabbing the reward in his hands. “It’s heavy!”continued the author. Then, Isabelle Carré also had the opportunity to touch the Olympic medal. “Make a wish, dear Isabelle.”said Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine before addressing Kauli Vaast. “You never take off this gold medal, you even surf with it”she told him before suddenly stopping and screaming “It’s forbidden!” seeing Isabelle Carré put the medal around her neck. “We don’t have the right, it’s like Miss France’s sashes!”she continued.

Also read“Oh the bitch!”: Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine teases Cyril Féraud about Théo Curin in “C à vous”

Isabelle Carré, very embarrassed, immediately removed the award from her head, apologizing. “Oh, damn, I didn’t know… Sorry! I’m sorry.”she said as the rest of the set doubled over in laughter. It’s like when you say “rope” on a theater set, you don’t have the right and you have to pay for your drink so I’ll pay for my drink “, concluded the actress.



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