The Senegalese capital, Dakar, is at the heart of a landmark cultural event by hosting the very first Africa Diaspora Festival, an initiative put forward by Senechala 2024. On December 27 and 28, 2024, the Maison de la Culture Douta Seck will vibrate to the sound African cultures.
Led by figures like Senegalese-Italian singer Zebendizi, this festival invokes a rich and diverse celebration of African cultures. This engaging event will bring together artists from Senegal as well as Europe and America for a program that is both festive and reflective.
Breathtaking concerts will take place on December 27, bringing together internationally renowned musicians for a night dedicated to music, dance and poetry. Zebendizi promises a vibrant performance, adding an emotional touch to the evening. The next day, a thematic conference will focus on the diaspora and African identity, prompting reflection on the importance of traditions and cultural values in our current world. Zebendizi invites the public to come “discover and better understand Senegalese tradition and culture”.
The event, supported by information from Sud Quotidien, also saw the intervention of Ms. Ndèye Ngor Niang Gaye, administrator of the Senegal National Orchestra. She affirms that this festival will be an opportunity to show “the musical diversity of Senegal”. It also highlights the training role of the National Orchestra for young talents, by creating a bridge between generations of musicians. “By drawing on the experiences of seniors, we can train artists capable of perpetuating and reinventing our musical heritage,” she explains.
Since its founding in 1962 under the presidency of Abdou Diouf, the Senegal National Orchestra has promoted the modernization of musical heritage by integrating modern and traditional instruments. This ambition will extend to international collaborations in 2024, thus strengthening cultural dialogue within the framework of this festival.
Let us salute the efforts of Senechala 2024 to make this event an essential event, as reported by Sud Quotidien.