A trampoline at home, a source of danger? “We have already seen cases of head trauma after an accident” recalls an emergency doctor

A trampoline at home, a source of danger? “We have already seen cases of head trauma after an accident” recalls an emergency doctor
A trampoline at home, a source of danger? “We have already seen cases of head trauma after an accident” recalls an emergency doctor

the essential
Vincent Bounes, boss of SAMU 31, talks about The Midi Dispatch the dangers of trampolining – an activity that is making a comeback in the summer – and gives some advice on how to avoid getting injured.

Emergency doctors warn of the many injuries children suffer when using trampolines. What are they?

It’s true that come summer, there are more of them. There are two types of injuries related to trampoline situations. Firstly, there are head injuries, shocks where children hit the ground. And then everything on the periphery of the limbs, especially the wrists and elbows. Generally speaking, there is a little more trauma because with these trampolines or scooters for example, some of these tools are sometimes poorly adapted and this creates the risk of injury.

Hello, we bring you a child who fell on a trampoline! \ud83e\udd38

And here we go again with these hellish things all summer long…
Prevention message: please burn your trampolines! \ud83d\udd25 pic.twitter.com/oZrhh0O3zf

— Toubib ? | Just A Word \ud83d\udcda (@NightHaunter) https://twitter.com/NightHaunter/status/1805874863724183708?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Why these injuries?

On the one hand there is a widespread use of trampolines, particularly among individuals. On the other hand, there is not always strict compliance with safety standards. Please note that there should not be many people jumping because they are not all designed for that. Most of the times when children get injured, it is linked to the fact that there are 4,5 or 6 of them jumping at the same time, that they bump into each other and jostle each other. The heaviest and largest bring down the lightest and smallest.

Is the trampoline one of the main sources of injuries to children in the summer?

One of the main ones, maybe not. First there is the classic for children, even for babies: falling from the bed, the sofa, etc. They are not yet old enough to do trampolining (smile). During the summer, there are many more injuries linked to outdoor activities, including trampolining. But bikes and scooters also have a lot to do with it.

Can some accidents be serious?

Yes, without a doubt. On trampolines where there is little or no safety, the danger is real. You can hurt yourself badly, especially to the neck. We have already seen cases of serious head trauma after an accident and a fall from a trampoline.

What advice would you give to try to limit the danger around the practice?

First of all, you have to maintain your trampoline properly, it is very important. Check the safety features, especially the net and close the net so that children do not fall out. You must also avoid overcrowding inside trampolines, the majority are made to accommodate a small number of children. You must also be careful if you mix large and small children. The former make the others jump and disrupt the trajectory of those who are lighter. Thirdly, it is always common sense: when children are outside and playing, it is absolutely necessary to keep a close eye on what they are doing to avoid putting them in danger.

Should trampolining be banned for children under a certain age?

I think it’s a bit extreme. On the other hand, you have to ask yourself questions about safety elements. But it’s an activity that is fun and enjoyable for children, so if you pay attention and follow the rules, there are few risks. A child is made to jump, play and exert themselves!



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