Minor sets fire to toilets at Monaco train station

Minor sets fire to toilets at Monaco train station
Minor sets fire to toilets at Monaco train station

This Tuesday, June 25, a fire broke out in the toilets of the Monaco SNCF train station. Here is what we know about the police investigation after the events.

Shortly before 11:45 a.m., a fire broke out within the Monaco station, requiring the rapid intervention of firefighters. The incident, located in the men’s toilets located under the shopping mall, caused smoke inhalation by three people who were immediately evacuated by emergency services. No more serious injuries to report.


As a safety measure, train traffic was completely halted and the electricity was cut off while emergency services were working. After an effective operation, train service was able to resume at 12:25 p.m., thus limiting disruption to passengers.

A voluntary act committed by a minor

The investigation conducted by the public safety quickly identified the origin of the fire as being a deliberate act. The perpetrator, a young minor under 13 years old, of French nationality and not resident in Monaco, was found.

The latter, unknown to the police and with no criminal record, is said to have acted by ” immaturity ” and would have quickly been ” overwhelmed by the consequences of his action » according to the Attorney General. Due to his young age, he was the subject of a recall to the law.

The amount of damage caused by the fire has not yet been determined. Authorities are continuing to assess the material damage in the affected area.

The station’s shopping gallery © Monaco Tribune / Astrid Berges


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