2-year-old boy drowns in family pool while parents sleep

2-year-old boy drowns in family pool while parents sleep
2-year-old boy drowns in family pool while parents sleep

An accident occurred in a house in Valréas, in Vaucluse. A 2-year-old child drowned in the family swimming pool on the afternoon of Sunday, June 30, 2024, reports France Blue Vaucluse .

According to Provence the young victim was found unconscious at the bottom of the pool. According to our colleagues, the parents were taking a nap when the tragedy occurred. The child is said to have left the house through a bay window before falling into the pool.

The preferred accidental track

The father, not finding his child in the house, approached the pool, where he saw the little one. He then immediately gave him cardiac massage while waiting for help to arrive. The SMUR took over but was unable to resuscitate the victim. The police considered it to be an accident, so they did not open an investigation. An autopsy of the body will still be performed to determine the cause of death.

Between June 1 and September 30, 2023, 1,336 drownings were recorded in France, according to Public Health France. 361 were fatal. Note that, that year, 30% of drownings involved children under 6 years old.



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