This NASA video shows a world that is becoming dangerous

This NASA video shows a world that is becoming dangerous
This NASA video shows a world that is becoming dangerous

In France, the month of May 2024 was not spectacularly hot. But on a global scale, scientists report that this May was indeed the hottest on record. And with violent heat waves recorded almost everywhere in the northern hemisphere in recent weeks, this month of June 2024 is also expected to reach heights.

World maps turn dark red

To give us a better idea of ​​what happened in North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, scientists from the NasaNasa Today we offer an animation that shows the daily maximum temperature of theairair on the surface in these regions between June 15 and 25, 2024.

Just to put some numbers on these images, know that the darkest red corresponds to temperatures above 40°C. Also know, for example, that in Delhi (India), on June 18, temperatures reached 35.2°C in the middle of the night! The Saudi National Center for Meteorology, meanwhile, reported temperatures of up to 49°C in the Mecca region.

When temperatures rise, so do the number of deaths

All with the sad consequence, an explosion in the number of deaths from heatheat. Because let us remember that the stressstress Thermal hazards are the weather phenomena that cause the most deaths. Nearly half a million per year. More than a third of them… in Europe! Researchers estimated that in 2020, around 14% of the world’s population aged over 69 lived in areas where the average temperature is about 10°C above the level that is starting to be dangerous for them. By 2050, the figure could exceed 23%.

Specialists in adaptation to global warming are therefore calling for an increase in high-quality housing equipped with air conditionerair conditioner and to adopt measures now to minimize the risks. Such as avoiding going out during the hottest hours, drinking regularly or watching out for symptomssymptoms heat stroke.

Without waiting for 2050, in 2024, the annual hajj pilgrimage will have caused more than 1,300 deaths!



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