No holiday for fuel prices, diesel and petrol are rising sharply

The biggest increase over a week is for diesel. For its third consecutive week of increase, the average price in France on June 28 was €1.7249/L. Enough to give an increase of almost 1.2 euro cents over a week, between June 21 and 28.

On the gasoline side, the increase is a little less sharp. The latter is around 0.7 euro cents. The popular SP95-E10 is now at €1.8149/L, compared to €1.8081/L seven days ago, according to data from the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

SP95 has gone back above €1.85/L to €1.8537/L. Last week, this average price was €1.8473/L. As for SP98, still the most expensive fuel, it has reached €1.9197/L. Seven days ago, it was €1.9130/L.

The end of the fall in fuel prices

This third week of rising diesel prices brings motorists back to prices not seen since the beginning of May. Except that at that time, prices were falling sharply, for several more weeks.

On the gasoline side, this is the second consecutive week of increases. This increase being less strong than that of diesel, the prices currently practiced are the same as those seen at the beginning of June.

It remains to be seen how this will evolve. Let us recall that oil prices have soared in recent days, which may explain the increase in prices at the pump. The strong demand linked to summer holidays also plays a role in this upward trend. In the meantime, this worries the French, who remember well that fuel prices can go very high and weigh on their budget.

The evolution of fuel prices in 2024



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To sum up

The sharp rise in fuel prices continues at the start of summer 2024. As we close out the month of June, average prices at the pump in France have climbed again. This is true for both petrol and diesel.




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