Collins Aerospace Batal makes NASA spacewear

Collins Aerospace Batal makes NASA spacewear
Collins Aerospace Batal makes NASA spacewear

JAKARTA – Space product supplier Collins Aerospace, has been chosen as NASA’s space clothing developer. After several years of contract, this commercial partnership was recently terminated. Collins said they backed out of the deal. After discussions with NASA, the US space agency agreed to resolve Collins’ contract. “After a thorough evaluation, Collins Aerospace and NASA agreed to determine why the Extravehicular Activity Services (xEVAS) exploration tasks. Collins has always been committed to supporting NASA,” a Collins spokesperson said, as quoted by Spacenews. This is surprising news because VOI had reported on the progress of Collins’ spacesuit made last February, the company completed testing. Although the contract was canceled, Collins did not explain

In June 2022, NASA selected two companies for the xEVAS program, namely Collins and Axiom Space. Collins was asked to make clothing for use on the International Space Station (ISS), while Axiom is making clothing for the Artemis mission. Axiom continues its clothing manufacturing project to this day. Latest, the space company is testing how the spacewear it makes can be integrated into Star-ship planes and other components for the Artemis 3 mission.

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