these aids and bonuses that high school graduates can receive, with or without mention

these aids and bonuses that high school graduates can receive, with or without mention
these aids and bonuses that high school graduates can receive, with or without mention

Monday July 8, the results of the general, technological and professional baccalaureate will be published for all participants in the tests. These results are accompanied in certain cases by bonuses paid by banks or local authorities, often conditional on obtaining a mention.

Bachelor’s degree, with honors and a free bonus. Here is the winning combination that some baccalaureate candidates are looking for, whether it is a general, professional or even technological diploma. Because for a rating of “fairly good” (from 12/20), “good” (from 14/20) and “very good” (16/20 and above), bonuses can be paid by certain organizations. Although the practice dates back several years, a majority of traditional banks still offer this principle of bonuses for new high school graduates. Just like certain communities. Overview.

Bank bonuses

This year, not all banks are clearly communicating about a system that is nevertheless very fashionable and expected by high school graduates. While some classic establishments perpetuate the tradition, others now prefer to offer offers aimed at young people.

Contacted by RMC Conso, LCL explains, for example, that it does not offer bonuses, preferring to “support young people over time rather than instantly”. Same story for the Caisse d’Épargne, which prefers welcome offers to young people, regardless of diploma.

Whether they are bonuses or “youth credits”, these offers imply a commitment that must be taken into account before being entitled to them. Because these payments are generally conditional on opening an account.

Baccalaureate graduates who wish to benefit from a bonus must compare the different offers. This choice can be an advantage since certain banks can then offer attractive credits”, observes Anna Meylacq, spokesperson for the comparator Panorabanques, to our editorial staff.

· Societe Generale

Whether you have a bachelor’s degree with or without honors, Société Générale offers a “helping hand” bonus of 80 euros to its customers to finance their projects if they obtain the famous diploma. The offer valid from July 1 to October 31 is reserved for individual Societe Generale customers, regardless of their age, the banking establishment tells us. Last obligation: they must be holders of the Sobrio or Jazz offer.

“The payment of the bonus of 80 euros will be made to the customer’s bank account in the month following presentation of proof of obtaining the baccalaureate,” specifies Société Générale.

· Agricultural credit

For this establishment, the baccalaureate bonus does exist, but will be done on a case-by-case basis. Regional fund by regional fund more precisely, the group has 39 spread across the territory. “Each regional bank of the Crédit Agricole group applies its own commercial policy,” specifies its press service at RMC Conso.

In 2023, some funds were more generous than others, but overall the bonuses were between 50 euros for a “fairly good” rating and 250 euros for a “very good” rating. The latter are conditional on opening an account.


For CIC customers, count 40 euros for a “fairly good” rating, 80 euros for a “good” rating and 160 euros for a “very good” rating. Only condition: have a savings account or open one. The Bac bonus campaign is valid until September 30, 2024 upon presentation of a transcript. Baccalaureate graduates can complete this online form to subscribe to the offer.

· Banque Populaire

This offer from Banque Populaire does not only concern high school graduates this time. All graduates (CAP, BEP, BAC, DUT, license, master, etc.) are entitled to 50 euros free. As with the rest of the banks, this bonus is reserved for people aged 18 to 28, who must be customers or open an account. The offer is valid until September 30, 2024.

Local authority grants

Some cities, departments or regions also offer additional rewards which will complement your bank’s bonus. It is advisable to contact your town hall, your regional council or your departmental council to find out about possible local aid, some of which can be combined.

For example, the Ile-de-France region pays 1,000 euros to scholarship holders who have obtained the grade “very good”, if they continue their studies in a higher education or health and social training establishment in the Ile-de-France region.

In the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, high school graduates, all series combined, having obtained the “very good” rating can obtain a bonus of 500 euros. For the Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur region, the premium is 400 euros.

But some regions no longer participate in this type of campaign. Last year, the Pays de la Loire region announced that it was putting an end to the principle of merit bonuses, preferring a “more equitable” system such as computers for students entering second year in a public, private or CAP high school, as in ‘ said Ouest-France.

Merit aid

A final aid can be requested by 2024 high school graduates, merit aid. They can benefit from it under three conditions: be on scholarship or be the recipient of a specific annual allowance (aid paid during the school year), have obtained the “very good” rating and join a higher education establishment at the following school year.

This annual aid is paid in nine monthly installments of 100 euros, or 900 euros over a school year. Please note that in the event of repeating a year, it is no longer possible to benefit from this aid, warns



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