Parents, what are your risks if your child misses the last week of school?

Parents, what are your risks if your child misses the last week of school?
Parents, what are your risks if your child misses the last week of school?

the essential
The last week of the school year begins this Monday, July 1st. Students will officially be on vacation on Friday, July 5th after school. What do parents face if they don’t send their child to school?

Home stretch for the students. The last week of classes of the 2023/2024 school year begins this Monday, July 1st. The summer holidays will begin Friday July 5 after school.

Baccalaureate and certificate

In fact, some students have almost no more classes and have sometimes already returned their textbooks. Schools are mobilized to organize the national brevet diploma exams this Monday, July 1st and Tuesday, July 2nd. Students in years 6, 5 and 4 will still be able to attend their college on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The school life of each college has already notified parents.

In high school, first and final year students took the written baccalaureate exams. Final year students may still have to take oral exams scheduled until July 3. For their part, the second year students have just completed two weeks of compulsory observation in companies between June 17 and 28.

Then there are the students in nursery and elementary schools. They still officially have classes. However, every year, students leave school before the end to go on family vacations at a time when rental prices are not yet full price.

Precise rules according to the Education Code

However, the rules are clear in the Education Code. The only legitimate reasons for absence are: the child’s illness, a communicable or contagious illness of a family member, a solemn family reunion, an impediment resulting from accidental difficulty in communications and a temporary absence of persons responsible when children follow them. Exceptional vacations are not one of them. In all cases, your child’s school must be informed of their absence.

In the event of absence without legitimate reason or valid excuses for at least four half-days in the month, the director of the educational establishment must report the absence to his or her hierarchy. The sanction incurred can go up to a fine of 750 euros.

But there are the texts and there is reality. Will a head teacher really take the trouble to alert his superiors about a child’s absence at the beginning of July? On the other hand, out of politeness towards your child’s teacher, it is strongly recommended that you inform him of your child’s absence and tell him the truth about the reasons for this absence.



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