Democratic leaders come to Biden’s aid after his catastrophic debate against Trump

Democratic leaders come to Biden’s aid after his catastrophic debate against Trump
Democratic leaders come to Biden’s aid after his catastrophic debate against Trump

United Front – Democrats Close Ranks Behind Biden as New York Times Calls on Him to Drop Run for November Presidential Election

Show unity to put out the fire as quickly as possible. This has been the mantra of the Democratic Party leaders in the United States since Thursday evening, that is to say since Joe Biden’s disastrous performance during the presidential debate against Donald Trump in view of the November presidential election.

It must be said that the crisis is palpable in the presidential camp. The question of maintaining Joe Biden’s candidacy remains omnipresent, after this first disastrous debate on CNN, where he spoke several times in an unintelligible manner, swallowing his words and not finishing his sentences, with a haggard face.

A particularly tough poll for Biden

According to the results of a CBS News/YouGov poll, 72% of Americans surveyed believe that the current tenant of the White House does not have the mental and cognitive health to lead the United States for four more years (they were already 65% ​​on June 9).

On Saturday night, NBC claimed, citing five unidentified members of his entourage, that Joe Biden would discuss the future of his campaign with his close family at Camp David on Sunday. But a White House adviser, Andrew Bates, dismissed this idea, recalling that this family meeting had been announced as early as July 23(…) Read more on 20minutes

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