Amaury Lotte, the Biesme scorer who stood out… from the crowd

Amaury Lotte, the Biesme scorer who stood out… from the crowd
Amaury Lotte, the Biesme scorer who stood out… from the crowd

Top scorer in P1 with 29 goals and crowned champion, Amaury Lotte knew that he would be in the spotlight this Thursday evening during our traditional Golden Shoe evening. But the goleador from Biesme could not imagine leaving his lifelong club with another reward under his arm. And what a reward for the future Meux striker, elected P1 player of the year. “I didn’t expect it, it’s a nice surprise that I dedicate to the whole team. I scored twice as much as last year. I didn’t miss 17 games due to injury like a year ago, that helps. I owe this trophy to my teammates, in particular to Patrick Pratz who monopolized the defenses.” On the way to Meux, the Golden Shoe leaves without regret: “When a club like Meux comes to pick you up, it’s impossible to refuse even if, after 19 years at Biesme and a rise, it hasn’t been easy. But I am proud of this sporting choice and I will do everything to succeed.”

It’s the right one for Titou

At the other end of the field, this season’s Gold Glove is Thibault Salmon. The Loyers goalkeeper, 11 clean sheets this year and the last bastion of the best defense in the series with only 36 goals conceded, displayed great consistency. Having come very close to the trophy a year ago, the former Condrusien goalkeeper confirmed it, taking his team to D3, a series he had already experienced during complicated campaigns with Profondeville or Ciney. But “Titou” has grown up since then and he feels ready for this new national challenge: “Over 4 years in national, I experienced 3 descents. We will try to ward off fate. Loyers deserves to play at this level.”

Nguea, the Saka Rentois, Ansiaux, the Beaurinoise nugget

Noa Ansiaux, an 18-year-old nugget who really carried Beauraing this season despite relegation, will also take a step forward. This is our People’s Choice Award. Fast and efficient, the young winger scored 16 goals and caught the eye of the ambitious neighbor from Rochefort. He will play at Parc des Roches next season, first in P1, but with sights on the core of N1 with whom he will train.

On the lawns of P1, Noa will always cross paths with another revelation. Coming from Gesves, one floor lower, Guy Nguea also left his mark on P1. Confusing and elusive once launched on his flank, the 21-year-old from Loyers finished the championship strong. He could have exploited his enormous potential in D3, but Evelette missed out. Too bad for Loyers who loses a real can opener for defenses. “Many don’t understand my choice but that’s how it isunderlines the one who says he is inspired by Saka, the Arsenal player. I was aiming for this individual reward, it’s up to me to continue working to do even better.”

No title but a trophy for Damien Trimboli

It’s also not easy to nominate a coach of the year. Clément Moors did a crazy job with the youngsters from Meux B, while Éric Jonckers led Anhée to a hold on which very few observers would have counted. Respectively champion with Biesme and promoted to D3 with Loyers, Olivier Defresne and Jean-François Beguin also deserved a reward. But the jury’s choice ultimately leaned in favor of the young Condrusien coach, Damien Trimboli, 37 years old. Even if his team stumbled on the last step during the two decisive matches for the climb, the future coach of Ciney B, in P3, achieved miracles by standing up to Biesme or Evelette until the 30th day of the championship. And yet, with only two points out of twelve to start the season, the “Greens” seemed set to play for survival. “Coach of the year without a trophy, it’s difficult but that’s sportsays Trimbo. I really want to thank my T2 (Vincent Pirson) for all the work accomplished, as well as this great group who knew how to question themselves. Other coaches deserved this title and I salute them, it’s a thankless role, you are the best when you win and the target in case of defeats.”

Meyvisch best referee

Jurgen Meyvisch was awarded the Golden Whistle, presented by Théophile Diskeuve, who works on the Pro League grounds. “I have always played football, in Falisolle then in Tamines to become a referee, underlines the young winner. But I wasn’t very good and at 16 I decided to devote myself to refereeing. Théo’s journey is inspiring for a young person and we will continue to work to get as far as possible.

Golden Boot N1-D2-D3: Granville-Lazitch, defensive bosses

Several Onhaytois would have deserved the D3 Golden Shoe, given the impressive campaign delivered by the Serie A champions. From Anthony Lorenzon and his 28 goals to Alessandro Guerri, who “martyrized” many full-backs, by the way by the “capi” FG Gilain, the panel was wide. The jury’s choice fell on the “boss” of the defense, Léopold Granville, author of a new “three-star” season. “I was rather expecting that it would be one of our offensive elements who received it. So I am pleasantly surprised“, confided “Léo” modestly.I thank the whole team for this award because, as we have already said, we all defended together, from the attackers to the backs. We have worked a lot to be as efficient as possible in this area. And, with Jérémy De Vriendt, who still played in D1 and therefore trained with the best, it’s easy for us. Because he speaks and puts us back when necessary.” specified Nefviens, who received his prize from the hands of a former Agauche coach, Michel Lazaron, before being joined, on the podium, by a few other Walherois champions.

Our second “national” prize this year concerned our N1 (Namur) and D2 (Meux and Rochefort) players. And there too, it was a first-class central defender, Rochefortois Grégory Lazitch, who received the majority of votes. “This may be the year of the defenders,” declared the one who passed through Charleroi, the White Star, Virton and the RAAL, before arriving at Parc des Roches. “Yes, I choose ambitious clubs every time, it’s easier to defend there,” joked Carolo, who also included his teammates in his personal merit. “Everyone participated in the task. Yes, at the beginning, I had to shout a little to teach our offensive players to run backwards. And it worked. In the end, we finished second, for our first season in D2. With the rise to N1, the objective has been achieved.” The Union will experience another important moment this Friday, with the call for a vote from supporters to define its sporting future. “The ambition is there, but it is they who will decide what direction to take”concluded the Rochefortois.



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