the policewoman who fired the shot indicted for murder – Libération

the policewoman who fired the shot indicted for murder – Libération
the policewoman who fired the shot indicted for murder – Libération
“Refusal to comply”, a deadly increase in police shootingscase

The mother of the unarmed 19-year-old killed Sunday evening during a refusal to comply has filed a complaint for “intentional homicide”. The investigation is entrusted to the “police department”.

A 19-year-old young man was killed by a police officer on the evening of Sunday June 9 while trying to escape a traffic stop in the Octeville district, southwest of Cherbourg (Manche). The policewoman behind the fatal shooting was indicted this Tuesday evening for “murder”. “The police officer was placed under strict judicial supervision” which prohibits her in particular from going to Cherbourg and from exercising police activity, specified in a press release the public prosecutor of Coutances, Gauthier Poupeau. Earlier in the day, the Parisian revealed that the victim’s mother filed a complaint against X for intentional homicide. His lawyer, Yassine Bouzrou, who confirms the information to Release, also requests the opening of a judicial investigation. According to him, “there is the certainty that [le jeune homme] was not armed and he was not in the car [au moment du tir]». The lawyer believes that the police officer could therefore not have been in danger.

Fatal shot to the chest

Around 11:40 p.m. Sunday, on the heights of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, a crew of three police officers attempted to control a vehicle traveling at excessive speed, public prosecutor Pierre-Yves Marot reported Monday evening in a press release. The driver did not “did not comply with the summons” and continued on his way, before being forced to stop by the vehicle of a second police crew.

One suspect escaped, another arrested

The three occupants of the vehicle reported as stolen then fled on foot, one managed to escape, another was arrested and placed in police custody for receiving stolen goods. “The third individual, a young man aged 19 from Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, found himself facing two of the police officers from the second crew and intentionally pushed one of them while fleeing,” said the prosecutor.

“The official then used an electric pulse gun” while“another agent used his firearm, fatally hitting him in the chest,” according to the prosecution. The investigation is entrusted to the IGPN. According to a Source close to the case, the man killed was not armed.

The prosecution specifies that this investigation “concerns facts likely to receive a criminal classification which could justify referral to the Coutances investigation center”.

According to testimonies collected by the Manche Press, the relatives of the boy, an employee in boilermaking and named Sulivan, would consider organizing a white march, in agreement with the family. A prize pool to support the latter has also been put online.

Update Tuesday June 11, a white march planned by Sullivan’s relatives; at 8:40 p.m. with the complaint filed by the young man’s mother; at 10:15 p.m. with the indictment of the policewoman.



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