On which Corsican beaches can you walk your dog in summer?

On which Corsican beaches can you walk your dog in summer?
On which Corsican beaches can you walk your dog in summer?

The rules vary. In a press release published on its website, the city of Ajaccio reiterated the ban on access to dogs on its beaches, put in place in 2017 by a municipal decree. The municipality particularly calls into question the presence of “parasites and microbes” due to dog droppings, which can “carry diseases that could affect those who frequent the beach, especially the youngest”notably on the Ricanto or the Trottel, largely “concerned by this problem”. A direction taken by other towns like Île Rousse.
Indeed, access to all of the city’s beaches is prohibited for dogs. It is therefore impossible to walk in Paoli, Caruchettu, or Marinella with your faithful companion. To do so constitutes an offence that exposes you to a fine ranging from 11 to 68 euros depending on the municipality. However, one beach is an exception. It is that of Ginepara, which accepts their presence when they are kept on a leash.
This rule has also been put in place, since 2022, on the beaches of Porto-Vecchio, at the initiative of the city captaincy, “for traffic management issues”, – starting with the beaches of Santa Giulia, Saint Cyprien, Palombaggia, particularly busy during the summer season – explains Aurélien Léonin, communications manager for Porto-Vecchio. To complete its charter, the port captain’s office has also established another obligation. That of carrying excrement bags, in order to maintain the cleanliness of the premises. Escaping this regulation exposes you to a fine of 35 euros.



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