Salma Hayek, in a mini bikini almost 20 years apart: she shares a before/after that proves her eternal beauty

Salma Hayek, in a mini bikini almost 20 years apart: she shares a before/after that proves her eternal beauty
Salma Hayek, in a mini bikini almost 20 years apart: she shares a before/after that proves her eternal beauty

Whether on the red carpet or on social media, Salma Hayek never goes unnoticed. And this, even over the years. The proof today: the 57-year-old actress had fun posting on her Instagram account a before and after of her. And she hasn’t aged a single bit! Even more, Salma Hayek appears even more radiant than before.

In a carousel, she shared a photo of herself in a brown bikini taken in 1999 for the H&M campaign. “Nearly two decades later”, we can read on the next slide, followed by another photo of her in a one-piece swimsuit, taken recently. She appears on the diving board of a swimming pool, lying in the same position as twenty years ago, with a pair of glasses and a straw hat placed on her head.

Salma Hayek: her anti-aging secret to staying beautiful, even 20 years later

In the third photo, Salma Hayek takes a selfie, with her head back and her hair in the water. A pose that refers to the actor Edgar Ramirez during a shooting carried out in 2020 for the magazine The Official. “Some poses never go out of style,” she wrote in the caption. Unsurprisingly, this publication sparked many reactions: “ You are sexy for eternity”, “Timeless beauty”, “Still as beautiful as the first day”, “ You don’t get oldyou just become more and more beautiful…” or “Salma Hayek should only drink wine because she gets better with age”, exclaim his fans in comments.

But what is her secret to looking so radiant at almost 60? In Kelly Ripa’s podcast Let’s Talk Off Camerathe wife of François-Henri Pinault revealed her astonishing anti-aging tip… Meditation.Because of many pains in my body and health problems, I developed this strange form of meditation which I continue to evolve, she explains before adding: “When I don’t do it for a while, guess what? Not only my face starts to sag and everything starts to fall. My herniated disc, the problem in my neck, the problem in my hip, my ankles… I’m starting to break down.”

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