Two brothers involved in an attempted murder in Verviers

Two brothers involved in an attempted murder in Verviers
Two brothers involved in an attempted murder in Verviers

The scene took place in the center of Verviers, rue des Raines, on January 23, around 1 p.m. Three witnesses describe her, one of whom is very precise in the physical and clothing description, which corresponds exactly to the photographic records made by the police who arrived very quickly on the scene. He describes an attack by two men committed on a third, thrown to the ground and beaten, before one of them struck a blow with an object first in the back then towards the neck of the victim, whose ear will hang down. A lady, who was at her window smoking a cigarette, describes the same scene which is confirmed by a third testimony.
All three speak of the object used by one of the attackers as being scissors, scissors which were never found. On the other hand, a knife was found under a car, the analysis of which does not allow one or the other of the protagonists to be implicated.
A ball in the head
So here is Jehad (34 years old) and his brother Abad (24 years old) still appearing detained before the criminal court. It is Jehad, who has had refugee status for 5 years now, who is accused of the attempted murder of a certain Hocin. What he ardently defends. “I am not at all concerned about a possible stabbing, I have never harmed anyone. I myself have a bullet in the head and another in the back. What I experience in prison is unimaginable. It was Hocin, whom I didn’t know, who attacked us over a cell phone that had been stolen from him, but I had nothing to do with this story. He threw my brother to the ground, then pulled out a knife. We then fled. » What about Hocin’s ear injury? “He must have done this to himself.”
His brother Abad, who is in an irregular situation after being refused refugee status, is only accused of assault and battery, which he also denies. “I was on the ground, so I couldn’t land any blows” he refutes. Well, to the police, he admitted to having punched Hocin because he had insulted his mother who was dying somewhere in his country.
Blood on your hands
For Ms. Wéry, public prosecutor, if the cause of their quarrel will remain unknown, it is undeniable that there was indeed an attempted murder, with two blows to vital places. Three witnesses describe in the same way and precisely a very violent scene, involving the two defendants, whom the police found with blood on their hands. She demands 3 years in prison for Jehad, specifying that he is well known to the judicial services where several files concerning him are open, and 10 months for his brother.
Jehad’s lawyer, Me Ahriga, refutes any intention to kill on the part of the latter, and requests a reclassification of the facts as intentional beatings, with a probationary stay. Same thing for Me Hanquet, who believes that the 4 months spent in prison are enough for the only punch that Abad cannot deny.
Judgment in 15 days.



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